December 2009


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January 26th, 2009

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Reminder: Deadline is approaching

To our 2009 Springsmut participants:

This is just a friendly reminder that all fics and art are due on Sunday, February 8, 2009 for first time participants and Sunday, February 15, 2009 for Springsmut veterans, which is, respectively TWO and THREE WEEKS FROM YESTERDAY!

Below the cut you will find the submission header formats for both artists and authors. Please copy and paste the header into your submission email (and don't forget to fill it out!) Authors, if you could also put it at the top of your stories, we would appreciate that simply because it makes it easier for us. We will remove your names for posting. When thanking betas, please use initials, not names. We can edit your notes for you after the reveal if you request it.


1. Authors: Please check your html tags! The best way to do this that I've found is to make a PRIVATE post to myself in my own LJ. (please note the PRIVATE part! Very important!) If you have italic, bold or underlined text (or hr lines or centered text, etc.) in your story, you must use html tags. We will not add them in for you.

1a. Authors whose stories are longer than @ 10,500 words or those that otherwise do not fit into a single LJ/IJ post: We will be uploading all long stories to a separate website, and link back and forth to the specific posts. If your story fits into this category and you can send us a version with the italics/bold/underline/center etc already embedded (i.e. without html tags) that would be a big help. (You will want to keep a file copy WITH tags for later posting, so this should be a second version) If not, I will reformat the tags when I upload, but otherwise if you can, as I said, it would be helpful.

1b. We'll also host the art as well. After the reveal in April, you can post them to whichever archive and send us the new link so we can edit the post and redirect the link to your site.

2. Please turn off smart quotes!

How to turn them off in MS Word )

3. Please do not send your story as text in an email: Send it as an attached file. .doc is preferred, but .rtf and .txt docs are fine, too! Also, if you have a newer version of MS Word, please do not send .docx files. I (Lisa) can't open them. Please re-save it as the older .doc format.

How to convert .docx to .doc: )

4. Artists: Please remember not to sign your artwork. After the reveal you can edit your work to add your mark/signature.

Headers are below the cut )

If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at!


Lisa & Alexa
[info]midnitemarauder and [info]nqdonne