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March 19th, 2008

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Happy Springsmut, centaury_squill!

Artist: [info]a_belladonna
Recipient: [info]centaury_squill
Title: Quidditch Practise
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Regulus
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Medium: Pencil on paper, photoshop
Warnings: None
Artist's Notes: [info]centaury_squill wanted to see "Snape and Regulus making out over the Quidditch pitch". So that's what they are...and a bit more. ;)

Quidditch Practise )

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Happy Springsmut, inthesewalls!

Author: [info]green_amber
Recipient: [info]inthesewalls
Title: Faces
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Tonks/Draco
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Tonks assumes three faces to spy on Draco Malfoy.
Warnings: incest, underage, fourth-wall-breakage, first person
Word Count: ~2450
Author's Notes: Xander, I hope this is up your alley. When I saw this pairing in your request along with a mention of sex with ulterior motives and something that fit into canon, this popped into my mind and refused to be dissuaded. :) Special thanks are owed to B.

Faces )

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Re: LJ boycott and IJ comment notification

Some of you may be planning to boycott Live Journal on Friday, March 21, and we just wanted to let you know that we will still be posting that day.

As the posting for our fest is primarily based at our community on Insane Journal and only mirrored [here] at Live Journal, we decided not to suspend the fest or participate in the boycott. Since a majority of our participants and watchers are likely not participating in the boycott, we feel it would be unfair to those authors whose works are scheduled to be posted on Friday if we suspend posting [here] at the Live Journal community.

Whatever your stance on the issue, we just wanted to remind those who do plan to boycott and aren't already watching us over at the Insane Journal community, that there has always been an alternative, and hope that the boycott will not detract from enjoying the stories posted on Friday.

On another note, it would appear that with the last code update at Insane Journal, the "track this post" feature has been enabled, so authors and artists with accounts over there can now go to the posts of their work and enable comment notification by clicking on the tack icon at the top of the post.

We hope you're enjoying the fest so far! Don't forget, there are still 12 1/2 days of rarepair goodness to come! And don't forget to show the artists and authors your appreciation! Feedback is ♥! (Also, participants: please remember to thank your gifter!)

Thank you!

[info]midnitemarauder & [info]nqdonne

**This post was primarily directed at LJ users with regard to the boycott, but we wanted to post it here as well.

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Happy Springsmut, leni_jess!

Author: [info]chazpure
Recipient: [info]leni_jess
Title: Not from the Stars
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Severus
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. Some dialogue herein is quoted directly from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: As matters go from bad to worse, Lucius and Narcissa struggle to gauge the political situation, maintain the right alliances, and protect their family any way they can. Severus has proved himself a loyal servant of the Dark Lord, but does that really mean he can be trusted?
Warnings: het, slash, semi-public sex, mild bondage, mild bloodplay, oral, anal
Word Count: ~11,500
Author’s Notes: Happy Springsmut to [info]leni_jess! I hope you enjoy this! Many thanks to my precious beta for all her help; any errors remaining are mine.

( Not From the Stars )

[info]springsmutfairy in [info]hp_springsmut

Happy Springsmut, ladyblack888!

Author: [info]chiralove
Recipient: [info]ladyblack888
Title: Lightning Strikes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Remus/James, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Sirius/James, implied James/Lily
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Sirius comes between James and Remus.
Warnings: threesome, infidelity, awkward first time, double penetration, angst
Word Count: ~2,125
Author's Notes: Thanks to W, A and N for the beta, and E for her fabulous, fabulous help!

Lightning Strikes )