July 4th, 2011

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Art: Survivors

Title: Survivors
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: R/NC-17-ish
Pairing(s): Lee Jordan/Percy Weasley
Summary: Lee has sometimes wondered if Percy agreed to go out with him the first time out of some kind of guilt - after all, Lee survived the building that fell on him, even if his T11 didn't make it out intact. Still. They both loved Fred, and that was enough common ground at first; their shared ghosts are no longer the largest part of their relationship.
Warnings: None
Medium: Digital
Artist's Notes: Bit rough-and-ready here. You know, I really don't know why I haven't considered Percy and Lee together before. It makes so much sense.
Disclaimer: I own nothing here.

(Survivors @LJ)