July 3rd, 2011

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Abraxan Wings-Part 2

Title: Abraxan Wings-Part 1
Author: [info]khalulu
Prompt Number: #7 submitted by [info]vaysh11
Rating: NC-17 because of some explicit consensual sex
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: When the Sectumsempra curse severs a nerve at the base of Draco’s spine, he loses some abilities he may never recover. It isn’t the end of the road, though – just the beginning of a major change of course.
A mostly serious but not gloomy story, also featuring the Room of Parole, Mme Maxime, Rosemonde the flying horse, and Harry Potter on sax.
Warnings: None beyond what you can gather from the summary and rating.
Word Count: ~ 14,500 (this part ~8600)
Author's Notes: This is AU from the time of the confrontation in the bathroom, which in this fic takes place around the middle of year 6. Also, both Harry and Draco are already 17. This fic has its own epilogue.
Dear [info]vaysh11, what I could manage here is less than the polished epic that you and your inspiring prompt deserve, but I enjoyed the journey, and I hope you enjoy some part of the result. Many thanks to the mods for organizing this truly worthwhile fest and for their forbearance with my tardiness. Many thanks to my beta [info]altri_uccelli for her excellent and speedy work and her insightful and encouraging comments. Any mistakes from my additional tinkering are all mine.
I didn’t know much about spinal cord injuries before beginning this fic. I tried to do research in order to realistically and respectfully represent some of the possible effects, but SCI’s are complex, individual circumstances differ, and inevitably there is much I don’t know and may have gotten wrong. I apologize for where I erred or fell short due to ignorance. My appreciation to Gary Karp for writing Disability & the Art of Kissing: Questions and Answers on the True Nature of Intimacy.
The first two lines of dialogue, from Draco and Moaning Myrtle, are taken from J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and the last line is from her Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Last line before the epilogue is from poet Andrew Marvell. Song lyrics in the epilogue are by Cole Porter. There are a few links for art and singing; check them out.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

(Abraxan Wings-Part 2 @LJ)

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Abraxan Wings-Part 1

Title: Abraxan Wings-Part 1
Author: [info]khalulu
Prompt Number: #7 submitted by [info]vaysh11
Rating: NC-17 because of some explicit consensual sex
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: When the Sectumsempra curse severs a nerve at the base of Draco’s spine, he loses some abilities he may never recover. It isn’t the end of the road, though – just the beginning of a major change of course.
A mostly serious but not gloomy story, also featuring the Room of Parole, Mme Maxime, Rosemonde the flying horse, and Harry Potter on sax.
Warnings: None beyond what you can gather from the summary and rating.
Word Count: ~ 14,500 (this part ~8600)
Author's Notes: This is AU from the time of the confrontation in the bathroom, which in this fic takes place around the middle of year 6. Also, both Harry and Draco are already 17. This fic has its own epilogue.
Dear [info]vaysh11, what I could manage here is less than the polished epic that you and your inspiring prompt deserve, but I enjoyed the journey, and I hope you enjoy some part of the result. Many thanks to the mods for organizing this truly worthwhile fest and for their forbearance with my tardiness. Many thanks to my beta [info]altri_uccelli for her excellent and speedy work and her insightful and encouraging comments. Any mistakes from my additional tinkering are all mine.
I didn’t know much about spinal cord injuries before beginning this fic. I tried to do research in order to realistically and respectfully represent some of the possible effects, but SCI’s are complex, individual circumstances differ, and inevitably there is much I don’t know and may have gotten wrong. I apologize for where I erred or fell short due to ignorance. My appreciation to Gary Karp for writing Disability & the Art of Kissing: Questions and Answers on the True Nature of Intimacy.
The first two lines of dialogue, from Draco and Moaning Myrtle, are taken from J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and the last line is from her Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Last line before the epilogue is from poet Andrew Marvell. Song lyrics in the epilogue are by Cole Porter. There are a few links for art and singing; check them out.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

(Abraxan Wings-Part 1 @LJ)