June 29th, 2011

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Massage Therapy

Title: Massage Therapy
Author: [info]snarkyscorp
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Scorpius
Summary: When potion pills for Harry's recent injury are making him unbearable as Head Auror, Kingsley hires Healer Malfoy to work out the tension in Harry's muscles.
Warnings: rimming, ADW: 47/21
Word Count: 4,500
Author's Notes: Some of Harry's character traits reverently borrowed from House MD and the story idea from [info]kitty_fic's suggestion of a "massage/rubdown" scene.
Thanks a billion to [info]auntypsycho for a wonderful beta and Britpick. Any remaining mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Warner Bros. & JKR—I just love perverting them to suit my own needs. *G*

(Massage Therapy @ LJ)