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HP April Fools Fest

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2012 [info]hp_april_fools Sign-ups! [Feb. 2nd, 2012|03:54 pm]

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Read our rules? Want to join the foolish exchange? Already celebrated your 18th birthday?
Then leave a comment to this post to sign up!

Please use the following format for signing up for [info]hp_april_fools. The post is screened and will be available for sign-ups until 09 February.

We'll do an additional post on 10 February for you to anonymously claim a prompt for an unknown/numbered fool! Double-blinds are awesome!

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Prompt Claiming for HP April Fools '11! [Jan. 22nd, 2011|03:01 pm]

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*[info]thegildedmagpie puts on her [info]pre_raphaelite1 mask at a rakish angle*

Hello, fools! It is three o'clock Eastern on Saturday the 22nd, and you know what that means:

Read the following numbered prompts and make a (screened) comment to claim yours!

We ask that you do not claim a prompt unless you have submitted a prompt, but if you would like to volunteer early for pinch-hitting, you can comment here for that too.

Once you have claimed, we will reply to award your chosen prompt, and also to give you your very special and foolish additional theme: the Tweak Says which is on the comment page when yours arrives (gibberish excluded), which must serve as your piece's title.


Follow me to the foolishness! )

Again, comments are all screened, so make your selection here to be given your prompt and your Tweak Says title!
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2011 [info]hp_april_fools Sign-ups! [Jan. 9th, 2011|10:40 pm]

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Read our rules? Want to join the foolish exchange? Already celebrated your 18th birthday?
Then leave a comment to this post to sign up!

You must use the following format for signing up for [info]hp_april_fools. The post is screened and will be available for sign-ups until 19 January.

We'll do an additional post on 22 January for you to anonymously claim a prompt for an unknown/numbered fool! Double-blinds are awesome!

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Sign Up Post [Dec. 31st, 2007|01:34 am]

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Read our rules? Want to join the foolish exchange?
Then leave a comment to this post to sign up!

You must use the following format for signing up for [info]hp_april_fools. Feel free to add comments to your original entry to make any necessary changes or additions.

Don't go completely crazy on details of your prompt requests, but give enough so your gifter has some things to work with. They are not obligated to use everything.

And finally, don't sign up if you aren't going to follow through with this. We know this is pushing people out of their comfort zone. That's the IDEA. But, we don't want want to have to chase slackers down and thwack them. We will. But only we will enjoy it.

Sign-ups are now closed! Friend the comm so you don't miss the foolishness!

Sign-ups are now closed.
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