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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]synn! [Apr. 23rd, 2009|11:51 pm]

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Title:Abuse of Power Comes as No Surprise
Recipient: [info]synn
Author: [info]venturous
Word Count: about 5,400
Pairing(s): Severus/Harry, the briefest mention of Harry/Ginny
Warning(s): EWE, mindfuck, bdsm, noncon, intentional cruelty, blow job, glimpses of torture, sort of a cliff-hanger...
Disclaimer:any recognizable characters don't belong to me; I am just borrowing them for entertainment.
A/N Synn, you asked for Harry/Snape bdsm among other things, and I aim to please. You also asked for "dirty but loving scenes" and I fear I may have skated near the edge here. But I assure you, love is very much involved.
Acknowledgments Our Dear Mod pre_raphaelite1 deserves a medal for putting up with my whinging and excuses, and giving me copious extensions. (And a special prize for telling me "Now! or ELSE!" ) In spite of all the writerly angst this has really been fun, enlightening, and the fest a wonderful treat. I can tell you this: my respect for and admiration of writers has soared as I discovered how difficult it really is to make good fic. Writers, I doff my feathered cap to you all with much gratitude for all the pleasure you give us.

Many thanks to my helpful beta-readers T, C and C. I'd also like to thank RL friend C for her professional advice. All of you made a huge and unwieldy epic!plot-bunny (somewhat!) manageable.

Thanks to Synn for the opportunity to explore some squicky territory and really enjoy it. If the muse permits, there will be more to the tale.

Abuse of Power Comes as No Surprise )
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April Fools, [info]eeyore9990! [Apr. 1st, 2008|12:40 pm]

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Title: Insult and Injury
Recipient: [info]eeyore9990
Artist: Fool #1 / [info]alexis_sd
Medium: pencils and Photoshop
Pairings: Snape/Harry, some Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fully DH-compliant, thus spoilers!
Summary: Alone and forgotten, Snape gets another blow.

'Artist's' Notes: Dear [info]eeyore9990, Happy Fool's Day!

I wanted very much to draw something nice for you, but it seems my imagination is capable of quite a bit more than my poor hands can deliver. I had a lot of ideas but in the end I only managed this. So I figured that I'll go for quantity, if quality is beyond me.

It was a lot of angst and twice the fun to try to draw something recognizable. I used up my favourite rubber almost completely, as I used it a hell more than the pencil. The amount of paper that littered the floor after every attempt to draw something was rather impressive. But in the end, I am quite pleased with the final result (especially the last pic), even if I do say so myself. I hope you like it too.

Dear mods, I am grateful for your understanding and support when I was fighting a terrible, and what sometimes looked as a doomed, war with Photoshop. I'm happy that thanks to you, I snatched a small victory. You have my gratitude!

Insult and Injury )
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