HP April Fools Fest - April 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 28th, 2009

April Fools, [info]venturous! [Apr. 28th, 2009|03:42 pm]


Title: A Not-So-Grand Day Out
Recipient: [info]venturous
Author/Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Pairings/Characters: Severus Snape, Regulus Black
Rating: PG
Warnings/Kinks: um, humour
Word Count or Medium: plasticene, photoshop
Summary: schoolboy Snape/Regulus involving a mysterious journey, bad weather and/or creatures. Maybe not the weather but the rest.
Author/Artist's Notes: I'm afraid I failed at anything smutty in the slightest. Probably due to the medium. Not enough of the right coloured plasticene...
And Nick Park I'm not.
And much love to the mods for bearing with me being slow and crap!

A Not-So-Grand Day Out )
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Modly Things! [Apr. 28th, 2009|03:51 pm]



Hey everyone!

Just letting you know that due to a couple last minute changes/needs for pinchhits, the fest will be continuing onto 01 May. You'll still get your daily dose of foolishness; we just need one more day to get everything up. So, the reveal will be this weekend!

We do have the pinchhits covered by three eager lunatics fools who are manically scribbling/doodling/sculpting/whatevering away. My love to and headshaking at them all!

Edit: There are still a couple non-pinchhit gifts to be posted. So if you haven't seen your creation yet, don't worry that I've missed it... until Thurs. :P On Thurs you can prod me. I'd hate to overlook things!
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April Fools, [info]who_la_hoop! [Apr. 28th, 2009|10:21 pm]


[Tags|, , , , ]

Title: Best Malfoy Legs Since the 1800s
Recipient: [info]who_la_hoop
Artist: [info]lilian_cho
Pairings/Characters: Scorpius, implied AS/S
Rating: PG-13 for crossdressing
Warnings/Kinks: skinny boy in a skirt
Medium: pencil; smudges cleaned in Photoshop
Summary: Draco muses that it's karma for making Crabbe and Goyle polyjuice as little girls. Lucius thinks his legs look better when he was younger. Narcissa just wants a cup of tea.
Artist's Notes: n00b drawing mistakes fixed by my art beta. The leather upholstery belongs to him (the idea of it, that is, not the physical object.) [info]who_la_hoop, I hope the pose is sexy sensual enough for you.

Best Malfoy Legs Since the 1800s )
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