HP April Fools Fest - April 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 17th, 2009

Don't Panic! [Apr. 17th, 2009|10:51 am]



Photobucket is pulling some of our pics. I'll get hosting elsewhere and upload them all again.

I'm open to suggestions on porny pic hosting.

Edit: I've got my domain set up, just waiting on nameservers to get in gear.

For the record, last year I had a unlimited gallery on a friend's server. Sadly, both the gallery and the friendship died. Hence this year's reliance on photobucket. But soon! www.preraphaelite1.com :P Oh yeah. Can you imagine?

Edit 2: Tweaking a few settings- pics might not be visible yet.
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April Fools, [info]star54kar! [Apr. 17th, 2009|11:21 pm]


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Title: Peace at Last (Not for Long)
Recipent: [info]star54kar
Artist: [info]hpuckle
Pairings/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Rating: Soft R (NWS)
Warning/Kinks: Het. Implied bondage/blindfolding. Very prominent bulge in Ron's pants.
Medium: Digital
Summary: Ron and Hermione finally get a night to themselves.
Artist's Notes: [info]star54kar, I really wanted to give you something you'd like so I hope this doesn't dissapoint. I'm sorry I couldn't get it any smuttier or include more of your kinks, but this image popped into my head as soon as I read your request. I've tried to include bondage (implied) and an element of role play. Thank you to the one who had a look at this for me and assured me that you would like it.

Reference pics used like crazy for their bodies! The background was created using random google searches of wallpaper patterns.

Peace at Last (Not for Long) )
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