HP April Fools Fest - April 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 16th, 2009

April Fools, [info]wallflowergirl! [Apr. 16th, 2009|11:09 am]


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Title: April Showers
Recipient: [info]wallflowergirl
Artist: [info]torino10154
Pairings: Harry/Ron
Rating: R
Warnings/Kinks: NWS Nekkid men, man bits
Medium: Photo manipulated with Photoshop CS
Summary: Harry and Ron take advantage of a spring shower
Artist's Notes: It was my pleasure to create something for you, [info]wallflowergirl! From your prompts I used Harry/Ron and rain. Special thanks to L for the PS tips.

April Showers )
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