HP April Fools Fest - March 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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March 31st, 2009

*SQUEE*! [Mar. 31st, 2009|02:22 pm]



The posting of the 2nd annual [info]hp_april_fools starts tomorrow 01 April!

Since we have 33 fools playing this year, we'll open and close with two posts, but otherwise have one amazingly wonderful, fabulously silly creation per day. You won't want to miss a single one.

For you particularly eager watchers *coughEeycough*, I'll be aiming to post each day at midnight PST (GMT -8). So posting will actually start in about ten hours. There may be occasional delays which we will blame on the Evol Porn BunniesTM or my girlfriend [info]thegildedmagpie.

I encourage everyone to look and comment on as many fest creations as possible. Remember, the "artists" or "authors" of these works have bravely stepped out of their comfort zone to expose themselves to us. *eyebrow waggle* Let's enjoy the... view, shall we?

Also, remember that even if you are being exposed, you're not being revealed until 01 May. At which point you can remove your foolish masks and frolick naked as you claim/repost/self-pimp/deny your creations. If you want to respond anonymously to comments, feel free but not obligated. You are obligated, however, to comment on the gift you have been given. Otherwise, I'll beat you senseless for rudeness. :D And trust me, I'll enjoy that but you won't.

Any questions? Anyone? Bueller?
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April Fools, [info]jin_fenghuang! [Mar. 31st, 2009|11:59 pm]


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Title: Quality Time
Recipient: [info]jin_fenghuang
Artist: [info]ivylady
Pairings/Characters: Snape/his left hand
Rating: NC-17 (full frontal)
Warnings/Kinks: Nudity
Word Count or Medium: Pencil and color pencil
Summary: Snape's taking a break from the hectic life of an educator.
Author/Artist's Notes: I don't think the scanner liked the colors. [info]jin_fenghuang, I could only work in two of your three prompts: Snape and the blackboard. Try as I might, the buttons wouldn't fit into the picture. I do hope you enjoy it…art is not my forte.

Quality Time )
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