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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]k8bnimble! [Apr. 14th, 2010|11:16 pm]

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Title: The British are Coming!
Recipient: [info]k8bnimble
Artist: [info]serpentsortiam
Medium: Graphite pencil
Pairings/Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Kinks: wanking, dress up
Summary: I think the title says it all in more ways than one.
Artist's Notes: So very obvious an artist I am not and I really wanted to color it, but I would have completely messed it all up if I had. Also the underwear are there just not on Harry. *sigh* I tried. This is why I stick to writing.

The British are coming! )
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April Fools, [info]eeyore9990! [Apr. 11th, 2010|03:09 pm]

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Title: Imaginaaation
Recipient: [info]eeyore9990
Artist: [info]mortenavida
Medium: pencil, photoshop, stock images (part 1); colored pencils and crayons (part 2)
Pairings/Characters: Fenrir, his mum, random people, and voyeur!Kingsley
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Kinks: sex, sillyness (sort of), masturbation, voyeurism
Summary: When Fenrir's mum told him to "imagine his future for daddy," she didn't think he'd come up with what he did. Years later, Kingsley goes to visit everyone's favorite werewolf in his cell. What he sees surprises him, but what he doesn't see might excite him.
Artist's Notes: Long story short, I love your username and icon and the day I got this assignment, I was going to Disney. On top of that, I was going to go on the Figment ride (and sing "Imaaaaaaginaaaation" as I did). I couldn't stop giggling the entire day -- and I even started to draw this waiting for the nightly fireworks! So this was full of fun for me and I hope you enjoy it!

Imaginaaation )
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April Fools, [info]jin_fenghuang! [Mar. 31st, 2009|11:59 pm]

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Title: Quality Time
Recipient: [info]jin_fenghuang
Artist: [info]ivylady
Pairings/Characters: Snape/his left hand
Rating: NC-17 (full frontal)
Warnings/Kinks: Nudity
Word Count or Medium: Pencil and color pencil
Summary: Snape's taking a break from the hectic life of an educator.
Author/Artist's Notes: I don't think the scanner liked the colors. [info]jin_fenghuang, I could only work in two of your three prompts: Snape and the blackboard. Try as I might, the buttons wouldn't fit into the picture. I do hope you enjoy it…art is not my forte.

Quality Time )
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