October 22nd, 2010

[info]bonfoi in [info]hp_alternate

HP_Crackdealers' Humour & Crack fest sign-ups end 24 October!

I double-dog, triple-word-score dare you to go to [info]hp_crackdealers and get one of their claims! There's plenty to go around, with a variety to pairings, too!

I seen people posting that they want something funny to read when they don't feel good, or the mouse ran away with the cat...whatever! We all want to experience crack!fic that makes one almost snort, chortle, or slide out of the chair! It's our rights as members of the Potterverse!

So, take a gander at the prompts, see if you like something and and write! I want to see crack!fic of the Snupin, Drapery, or Potter/Malfoy kind! I'll even break down and read Severus/either Black Brother, not that that's a stretch! *snert*

Just...give me liberty or give me crack!fic!! By the bye, it's due in February so you'd have plenty of time!