September 25th, 2010

[info]bonfoi in [info]hp_alternate

Feel like your 40-or-over year-old characters are missing out? Here's a Promptathon for you!!

With [info]lore's permission, I'm passing on some info about the LJ community [info]older_not_dead's Promptathon 06 with the theme of... Colours!

From the website:

[info]older_not_dead Promptathon Challenge #06

Please reply to this post with a list of prompts for writers/artists to use in their stories/artwork.

The prompts can be:

# A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
# A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Books
# A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. Wine
# Just a prompt (i.e. suitable for any fandom/pairing) e.g. ?. ?/?. Flowers

And you can mix and match when submitting, or just submit one type.

# This is a multi-fandom, multi-pairing challenge for slash or het couples.
# Artwork (e.g. wallpaper, icons, banners, etc.) based on the prompts is perfectly acceptable
# The theme for the sixth challenge is 'Colours'. Each prompt must include a colour.
# Each half of the pair has to be 40+ in the story/artwork, i.e. it doesn't matter if they are under 40 in canon, as long as in the story they are 40 or over.
# You do not need to be a writer/intend to write a story/produce a piece of art for this challenge to submit prompts.
# You will be able to use your own prompt.
# You can submit as many or as few prompts as you wish.
# Please feel free to pimp this on your own LJ or in communities if you wish to do so.

# You can submit prompts up to the end of Tuesday 28th September 2010 (although in reality this will be 29th UK time to allow for time differences).
# Posting of stories/artwork for the Promptathon will begin on 1st October and you have the entire month of October in which to post.

Check out [info]older_not_dead Promptathon Challenge #06!