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House, M.D. Fanfiction

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FIC: Skin Diving (House, House/Foreman, R) [Nov. 15th, 2008|10:56 am]
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Title: Skin Diving
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, R.
Length: 2000 words
Spoilers: Season four
Author's Notes: This is for [info]rawiyaparand, who prompted me in a meme some time ago. It's also for [info]coffeesuperhero's first [info]fluff_friday. A bit of betaing by the ever-lovely [info]leiascully and even more by the equally-lovely [info]shutterbug_12.

Summary: Revenge is a dish best served soaking wet.

( Skin Diving )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button) [May. 27th, 2008|10:11 pm]
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Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG this part.
Length: WIP; 2600 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. Thanks to [info]phinnia for helping to kick my butt, and [info]thedeadparrot and [info]daemonluna for betaing.

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

( Part 11: Twenty-Eight Weeks )

FIC: One Space To The Left (House, House/Foreman, PG) [Apr. 21st, 2008|09:17 pm]

Title: One Space To The Left
Author: Zulu
Fandom: House MD
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG
Disclaimer: The characters belong to David Shore and Bat Hat Harry Productions.
Prompt: For [info]lgbtfest, prompt 462. House: Any character. A character comes out to House (as anything). He explains to them that, naturally, he has known all along. How does this influence the relationship between the characters?
Summary: Foreman wonders if he's been stacked and filed as neatly as all the clutter in House's life, one more object that stays in its place, knows its purpose, fills its function.
Spoilers: Through 4.09, Games.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my betas, [info]daemonluna, [info]ignazwisdom, [info]thedeadparrot, and especially [info]euclase.. This story is a sequel to--but can be read completely independently of--Misfiled.

( One Space To The Left )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 10/? [Mar. 9th, 2008|02:20 pm]
[Current Mood |busy]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17 this part.
Length: WIP; 3100 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. I think I know where I'm going, but there will be a hiatus after this part while I think out the plot and finish my to-do list of school assignments.

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

( Part 10 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 9/? [Mar. 8th, 2008|12:13 pm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG this part.
Length: WIP; 1500 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. For reference, I think I'm about...halfway through the plot? So maybe we can estimate twenty parts or so?

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

( Part 9 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 8/? [Mar. 7th, 2008|04:01 pm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG this part.
Length: WIP; 3100 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. Uploaded this icon just for the story!

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

( Part 8 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 7/? [Mar. 6th, 2008|10:45 pm]
[Current Mood |apathetic]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG this part.
Length: WIP; 1100 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. I feel kinda sucky today, so only a short update. Better than none, I figured!

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

( Part 7 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 6/? [Mar. 5th, 2008|06:02 pm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17 this part.
Length: WIP; 4800 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. Avoiding French homework means long update!

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

( Part 6 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 5/? [Mar. 4th, 2008|08:26 pm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, R this part.
Length: WIP; 2000 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. This part posted with prompting of Parrot!

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

( There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), Part 5 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, Part 4/? [Mar. 3rd, 2008|06:17 pm]
[Current Mood |calm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, R this part.
Length: WIP; 2000 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. This part posted with prompting of Parrot!

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

( Part 4 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, 2/? [Mar. 1st, 2008|08:23 pm]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17
Length: WIP; 3800 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. This part betaed by [info]daemonluna.

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Part 1

( Part 2 )

FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), House, House/Foreman, 1/? [Feb. 29th, 2008|08:01 pm]
[Current Mood |cheerful]

Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button) - Part 1/?
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17 (eventually; this part PG)
Length: WIP; 2100 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here. As a result, mainly unbetaed; concrit is always welcome.

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

( There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button) )

Eric Foreman's Letter To The World [Aug. 12th, 2007|09:56 pm]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood |bouncy]
[iPod |Air - Venus]

TITLE: Eric Foreman's Letter To The World
GENRE: General
PAIRINGS: One-sided Foreman/House
LENGTH: One-shot
SPOILERS: Season 3 finale
SUMMARY: Foreman has something to say. About himself. Why he did what he did. More importantly, why he doesn't want to turn into House.
NOTES: I really don't write House fan fiction; I would love some con crit on this piece. :D

I did not go through all the trouble of escaping the rungs of lower-class mentality and getting a degree in neurology to be tormented by a crippled white guy with a God-complex and a drug addiction. )
link2 diagnoses|diagnose

FIC: Percussion (Foreman/House, NC-17, 1/4) [Jul. 30th, 2007|08:21 pm]
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[Current Mood |cheerful]
[iPod |The Goldberg Variations]

Title: Percussion, 1/4
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17.
Length: 24 168 words. Ye gods.
Spoilers: Some mythical time, vaguely season two: AU, no specific spoilers, but some meta-references and a side of Cameron/Chase.
Author's Notes: For the [info]foreman_fest, although it was one of my very own plotbunnies. Tonnes of help with this one, y'all. Part one is PG.

Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

Summary: Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. -- Oscar Wilde

Percussion )

FIC: How To Shoot At Someone Who Outdrew You 2/2 (Wilson/House/Foreman, NC-17) [Jun. 17th, 2007|03:56 pm]
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Title: How To Shoot At Someone Who Outdrew You (2/2)
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: Wilson/House/Foreman, NC-17.
Length: 12 000 words.
Spoilers: Begins after 2.14, Sex Kills.
Author's Notes: For the foreman_fest on livejournal. Y'all are lucky--you get a sneak peak before I post it there. Betas by [info]thedeadparrot, [info]leiascully, [info]daemonluna, and [info]cadence_k. Prompt is at the end of the story.

Summary: Turns out it really is all about sex.

Part 2 )

Prompt )
link2 diagnoses|diagnose

FIC: How To Shoot At Someone Who Outdrew You 1/2 (Wilson/House/Foreman, NC-17) [Jun. 17th, 2007|03:55 pm]
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Title: How To Shoot At Someone Who Outdrew You (1/2)
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: Wilson/House/Foreman, NC-17.
Length: 12 000 words.
Spoilers: Begins after 2.14, Sex Kills.
Author's Notes: For the foreman_fest on livejournal. Y'all are lucky--you get a sneak peak before I post it there. Betas by [info]thedeadparrot, [info]leiascully, [info]daemonluna, and [info]cadence_k. Prompt is at the end of the story.

Summary: Turns out it really is all about sex.

How To Shoot At Someone Who Outdrew You )

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