House M.D. Fanfiction - July 30th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
House, M.D. Fanfiction

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July 30th, 2007

FIC: Percussion (Foreman/House, NC-17, 1/4) [Jul. 30th, 2007|08:21 pm]
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[Current Mood |cheerful]
[iPod |The Goldberg Variations]

Title: Percussion, 1/4
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, NC-17.
Length: 24 168 words. Ye gods.
Spoilers: Some mythical time, vaguely season two: AU, no specific spoilers, but some meta-references and a side of Cameron/Chase.
Author's Notes: For the [info]foreman_fest, although it was one of my very own plotbunnies. Tonnes of help with this one, y'all. Part one is PG.

Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

Summary: Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. -- Oscar Wilde

Percussion )

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