House M.D. Fanfiction - FIC: White Picket Fences (House, House/Wilson, NC-17) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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FIC: White Picket Fences (House, House/Wilson, NC-17) [May. 19th, 2008|03:10 pm]
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Title: White Picket Fences
Fandom: House MD
Pairing/Rating: House/Wilson, NC-17
Length: 1100 words
Prompt: [info]deelaundry accepted my challenge, and asked for "House/Wilson smut in which Wilson is not sad."
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]thedeadparrot for the beta! This is a sequel to Lie To Me, but it can probably be read alone.

Summary: Wilson changes things.

( White Picket Fences )