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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven



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March 17th, 2008

Fic Pointing. MCR/ 30stm. Shannon Leto/Bob Bryar, Brian Schechter/OFC

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title: It Starts With Penguins in Space, or Some Shit Like That
author: lisa roquin
fandom: MCR/30stm
pairing/characters: Shannon Leto/Bob Bryar, background ensemble including-Jared Leto, Tomo Milicevic, Gerard/Lyn, Mikey/Alicia, Frank/Jamia, Ray/Christa, James DeWees, Matt Cortez, Brian Schechter, OMCs, OFC, various others flitting through the background.
prompts: my 2008 pairings prompts Shannon Leto/Bob Bryar, and intended for
[Bad username: ”ides_of_march”] prompt-Seasons but the rest of the set isn't getting written in time for that. Obviously.
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything.
Summary: The last time Jared tried to play matchmaker for Shannon he almost got his brother killed. This time-well, there's bus breakdowns and blizzards, techs rented out for the price of a slice of veggie lovers, penguin break ups, stolen thermal underwear and the two most oblivious drummers on the planet too good at ignoring machinations for their own good and things just spiral into batshit crazy from there.
Warning: slash, language, alcohol, reference/small amount of casual drug use and fluff fluff fluff Schmoop and more fluff. Somehow the prompt of Shannon/Bob for a smutlet turned into the facepalm! Oh you Dorks! version of a Harlequin.
author notes: much love to TW & Dreamyraynbo for their pokes at where these guys made them go “buh?” with their jumps
word count: 35,600+
part1 || part2|| part3 || part 4 || part 5


title:Penguins Verse: My Idiot
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15?
fandom: MCR/30stm
series/sequel: Penguins Verse
characters/pairings: Brian Schechter/Margo (OFC),
disclaimer: lies fiction untrue. Know nothing and no one.
summary: Brian is as sure about her as he was about My Chem, but he can be a real idiot sometimes.
prompt: [Bad username: ”ides_of_march”] Spring--obviously did not get the set done in time for Ides of March but oh well.
warning: original character, het, language, off screen past domestic violence, continuation of the omfg-you-dorks of this verse, threats of Jared-rantage (does that deserve a warnign?).
author's note: and so we continue with the fluff-schmoop harlequin-esque theme.
word count: 10,300+

part 1 || part 2

March 16th, 2008

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The Everybody Loves Brendon meme. [info]marauder_bex and I were chatting in her journal, and we decided that the baby needs some love. So bring on your pics, your fics, your vids, your icons, and let's give Brendon Urie some good ol' fashioned fangirl (and boy) love!

and pimp this as far and as wide as you can!!

February 24th, 2008

Graphic & Fic lnks

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2 Frank Iero Wallpapers


title: Storm Watching
rating: 13
pairing: Brian Schechter/Gerard Way
word count: 616

title: Like A Match to Gasoline
rating: 15
pairing: Jared Leto/Gerard Way, Shannon Leto/Tomo Milicevic. Ray Toro, Mikey Way
word count: 344

longer fic

title Even Just The Road Gets Lonely
author:lisa roquin
fandom: Bandom-MCR
rating Adult
pairing/characters: Frank Iero/Matt Cortez
warning: slash, transgender, language

title Cosmo & Wanda's New Fairly OddChild
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Bandom/The Fairly Oddparents
rating CRACK
pairing/characters: Cosmo/Wanda, MCR
summary: Timmy Turner has grown up. Cosmo and Wanda are searching for the perfect kid to watch over next, one that won't grow up so fast, has a good imagination and likes unicorns!

February 13th, 2008

Requiem [Frank/Gerard of My Chemical Romance]

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Title: Requiem [1/1]
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this never happened, and I made it up!
Author's notes: I was listening to Requiem by Mozart and had the crazy urge to write this.
Summary: Frank and Gerard are childhood friends. One night at a bar, Gerard is the designated driver and Frank is inebriated and flirtatious. Gerard is torn between his desires and what's right. But Frank is a big boy, right? He knows what he's doing...right?

"Have you ever fucked to Mozart?"

Because that would be hot.

February 3rd, 2008

Fic, Thirty Seconds To Mars

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Author: [info]kynx_fic
Prompt: Biastophilia
Rating: NC17+
Pairing: Jared/Shannon
Warnings: Rape. Graphic Rape. Non-con. Lack of moral compass. Did I mention rape? Angsty and dark.
Summary: Written for our prompt table. This skirts the line between rape fantasy, and rape, pure and simple. If the thought or idea of that squicks you on any level, we suggest reader discretion in the shape of the not reading variety.
Beta: The motherfucking wonderful and sexy [info]judas_denied
Disclaimer: We made it up, all of it.

Also includes the [info]awdt weekly prompt '"That's not even remotely funny.""

Biastophilia: (from Greek biastes, "rape" + -philia) is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal is dependent on, or is responsive to, the act of assaulting (possibly sexually) an unconsenting person, especially a stranger.

Jared's pushed face first onto the carpet, the fibers scrape against his cheek. Shannon's hand on the back of his head holds him down.

January 31st, 2008

PATD fic - All In Your Mind - Spencer/Ryan

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All In Your Mind
Rating: R, for language and sex.
Warnings: Some teenaged shenanigans.
Disclaimer: No, really. This is so incredibly NOT happening.
A/N: Huge thanks to namegoeshere and harriet_vane for reading this first, then beta-work and canon-whipping by airgiodslv and dsudis. If anyone else read this at some point and I've forgotten (entirely possible), then please forgive me. Baby's first Panic fic, yo!

There's a photograph, linked in the text, that inspired much of this fic.

(If y'all save this to your delicious accounts, can you please use THIS address instead of the googlepages one? This is where I have all the rating info and acknowledgements, y'see. Thanks.)

All In Your Mind

January 27th, 2008

Fic & graphics links.

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title Navigating Minefields
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Stargate SG1/MCR
rating 15
pairing/characters: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack)&Gerard Way
disclaimer: MCR has never had a teenage clone of an air force colonel as a roadie. It's safe to assume this is entirely fiction.
summary: It's gruntwork. Anonymous. Simple. Routine. Not where he belongs, but he's not who he once was. It's not so bad, but tonight sucks.
warning: angsty
author notes: inspired by lj's mychemicaltest challenge 18, but went more than double the max limit. A little adjustment of the SGverse timeline in comparison to series airdates, nothing strikingly noticable unless you have every eps first airdate memorized. Everything up to Fragile Balance and even up through end of S8 happens, just Fragile Balance would have happened in 2002.
and thanks to ix_tab and peppery_lime for readthrough & opinions
word count: 3300+

mixed bag of icons--including 5 Fall Out Boy, 9 Lyn Z and 16 30 Seconds to Mars.

January 24th, 2008

why hadn't i?

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Frank/Gerard [MCR]
260 words

I knocked into you on the way to my apartment without looking up from my cell phone. I was reading a text message. It read, “take a chance, frank.”

Read here!

January 21st, 2008

30 Seconds To Mars: Crack Fic

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Title: The Drummers New Threads
Author: kynx_fic (Kit and Jynx)
Rating: R for language, nakedness and implied blowjobs.
Pairing: Smallest hint of Tomo/Shannon if you squint while standing on your head.
Summary: Crack!fic 30stm take off of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'
Warnings: Crack. Nakedness. Crack. Language. Did I mention crack?
Disclaimer: I believe Hans Christian Andersen made it all up. We just fucked with it. And added a lot more f-words than were in the original.

[link to fic journal]Once upon a time...

January 15th, 2008

assorted links fic/icons/drabble

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title With Bonus Pterodactyl
author: lisa roquin
fandom: MCR/Torchwood
rating crack, 15ish
pairing/characters: Mikey Way/Jack Harkness
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything. Nor are any copyrighted character's mine.
summary: There’s a list of things to do someday, Frank declared it covered all of them, including Matt because he was there when it was made. Visiting a Secret Underground Lair can now be checked off.
warning: if the header above this hasn’t scared you off, nothing will.
author notes: one for the don’t even ask files.
word count: 1701


title: Tracing
author: lisa roquin
rating: adult
fandom/pairing: MCR, Gerard/Frank
disclaimer: fake. not true. fiction.
notes: written for </a></b></a>[info]porn_battle prompt gerard way/frank iero, tattoos
wordcount: 331


bizarrely random icon mix
Colin Farrell x1
Harry Potter x4 (ron, hermione, 2 harry)
Karl Urban x3
Keira Knightley x2
My Chemical Romance x12
Panic at the Disco x3


title: Art of Codependency: Chicago
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15+/mature
fandom: Bandom-MCR
series/sequel: Art of Codependency
characters/pairings: past Bob/Kat, Frank/Jamia, Mikey/Alicia, (Bob/Gerard not quite there yet)
disclaimer: not real, ,know no one and nothing. pure. complete. fiction
summary: Bob is pretty sure he's doomed when he promises to let Frank take care of him while he's in Chicago dealing with the apartment and settling things with Kat. Then Gerard and Jamia decide Frank needs help in Bob-sitting and are in Chicago too.
wordcount: 14,300+

part 1 || part 2

January 13th, 2008

MCR wing!fic - Frank/Gerard - part 4/4

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(Forgot to post this here...)

It's still 2007 somewhere, right? Yeah. That counts. Happy New Year, y'all.

A warning in advance: They didn't want to porn, you guys! I'm sorry. :( I promise my next fic will be nonstop hardcore sex.

Title: An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels, 4/4
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content
Disclaimer: Seriously, y'all. I don't know these guys, and I'm pretty sure Frank Iero is not, in fact, an angel. (Same goes for the, uh...other one.) This is purely for my deranged enjoyment and the reading pleasure of whatever misguided souls stumble upon this story.
Warning: Wing!fic. Crack. WiP. AU, duh.
Summary:This is a WiP. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Thanks to: trollprincess, harriet_vane, musical_emjay, and namegoeshere for their help in various capacities.

I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of2005... but it ain't the Summer of Like. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.

Part the fourth: The Second Cumming of MCR

December 28th, 2007

MCR wing!fic - Frank/Gerard - part 3/4

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Okay, okay. I lied. It's going to be four parts. I'M SORRY. THEY WON'T SHUT UP.

Title: An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels, 3/4
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content
Disclaimer: Seriously, y'all. I don't know these guys, and I'm pretty sure Frank Iero is not, in fact, an angel. (Same goes for the, uh... other one.) This is purely for my deranged enjoyment and the reading pleasure of whatever misguided souls stumble upon this story.
Warning: Wing!fic. Crack. WiP. AU, duh.
Summary:This is a WiP. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Thanks to: trollprincess, harriet_vane, musical_emjay, and namegoeshere for their help in various capacities.

I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of 2005... but it ain't the Summer o fLike. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.

Part the third: The Devil in the Desert

December 22nd, 2007

FIC Link--Stumbling Forward --MCR AU

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title: Stumbling Forward
author: lisa roquin
rating: adult
fandom: Bandom/MCR (AU)
series/sequel: Just Frankie Verse
characters/pairings: gen, ensamble, Frankie centric
summary: Mikey's moments of strange are keeping apace with Gerard's spiral, Pelissier can be counted on for curtain call and bus call and that's about it, Frank's carefully constructed walls of denial and avoidance are slowly crumbling.
disclaimer: completely. totally. *FICTION*
warning: gender issues, alcohol and substance abuse issues, sexual discussion, sexual situations, mild violence.
author's note: despite moments of crudity, blatant foot-in-mouth and less than PC, or even fit to say in front of your mother, comments from the characters, the subject matter is not taken lightly, nor am I the most confident in my ability to get this particular story to read "right" or even remotely non-awful. An experiment to see if I can write this remotely decent.
wordcount: 11,800+
part one || part two

December 20th, 2007

Fic link--Purple Swirly Sparkly Bottle of Doom--MCR/crack crossover

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title: Purple Swirly Sparkly Bottle of Doom
author: lisa roquin
rating: crack (gen)
fandom: MCR/(you'll figure it out)
series/sequel: ~hides~ no. please no.
characters/pairings: My Chem, OCs & the OC's 60's TV character parents.
disclaimer: I've lost my mind. This didn't happen. Nor do I own any copyrighted characters.
summary: Cassandra Jean Nelson is her mother's daughter and no one would claim the little purple bottle, so it ended up in the community property junk drawer in the bus kitchenette.
warning: crack
author's note: this is what chronic pain and not enough sleep or caffiene can do.
wordcount: too many, I shall hide now. (2100+)

December 16th, 2007

fic link- Just Frankie--MCR, gen, 15ish

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title Just Frankie
author: lisa roquin
fandom: bandom (MCR)
rating 15?
pairing/characters: gen, Frankie centric
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything.
summary: For Frankie Iero, Frank was a natural progression, it really was.
warning: bio-girl!Frank. Gender-issues.
author notes: this...is...yeah. Not my usual, but this is what cropped up while trying to beat other muses into submission.
word count:5200+

December 14th, 2007

MCR wing!fic - Frank/Gerard - part 2/3

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Title: An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels, 2/3
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content
Disclaimer: Seriously, y'all. I don't know these guys, and I'm pretty sure Frank Iero is not, in fact, an angel. This is purely for my deranged enjoyment and the reading pleasure of whatever misguided souls stumble upon this story.
Warning: Wing!fic. Crack. WiP.
Summary:This is a WiP. Part 1 is here. Part 3 is about halfway written (fucking holidays). Thanks to: trollprincess, harriet_vane, musical_emjay, and namegoeshere for their help in various capacities.

I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of 2005... but it ain't the Summer of Like. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.

Part the Second: Birth of a Five-Legged Beast

December 9th, 2007

MCR wing!fic - Frank/Gerard - part 1/3

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Title: An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels, 1/3
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content
Disclaimer: Seriously, y'all. I don't know these guys, and I'm pretty sure Frank Iero is not, in fact, an angel. This is purely for my deranged enjoyment and the reading pleasure of whatever misguided souls stumble upon this story.
Warning: Wing!fic. Crack. WiP.
Summary: This is a WiP, will be 3 parts. Part 2 is completed, Part 3 is halfway written. Thanks to: trollprincess, harriet_vane, musical_emjay, and namegoeshere for their help in various capacities.

I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of 2005... but it ain't the Summer of Like. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.

Part the first: And God Blinked First

November 8th, 2007

Fic link: The Art of Codependency--MCR, more or less Gen

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Bandom is not my normal playground, it's very new in all actuality. What (precious little) RPS fic I've written was kept seperate on lj at lise1973 rather than lisaroquin (yes, I really went out of my way to split the handles as far as disguising names, didn't I?) but over here I haven't bothered though that explains how the author name is listed on this.

Don't know quite how to explain this, too interconnected to quite be stand alones but not exactly chapters either, though definite order to them. Nor do I have a clue if they're actually done or not, but where it stops is a stoppable place if not an ending.

Title: The Art of Codependency
author Lise/lisa roquin
pairing: more-or-less gen, background (and in one instance overheard) het, and can easily be read as pre-slash if you so desire
rating: mature
fandom: bandom, my chemichal romance in specific
summary: codependency is practically an artform. it's necessary. it's how they survive
warnings: ....I'm bad with these. we'll go with angst, depression, het, instance of drug use,
Disclaimer: oh, what? of course this is the gospel truth. And I love your hat, tinfoil is all the rage this year, and so useful about keeping those pesky aliens and telepaths from getting in your head, I agree. Hello. Reality Check. This is pure bullshit. Fiction. Look it up.

Gerard-- it's no one's fault but the final straw that shatters everything is still the final straw.
Bob--Mikey and Frank couldn't. Ray isn't going to work this time. So it was his turn, and he has no clue what the fuck to do except hold on as tight as he can
Therapy--"I tried explaining you guys..." "And he thinks you're fucking nuts"
Them--The hum of the engine, the road beneath them, the movement, them.
Magic--They guys set to work on writing. Frank hums, then the groove hits. And they've got it.

October 19th, 2007

30STM, Fic

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[info]kynx_fic posted, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Shannon/Jared, Letocest fic HERE It's mostly porn with crack added, if anyone here's interested :D

September 26th, 2007

Fic - Knocking Around the Prickly Pear

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Knocking Around the Prickly Pear
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Author: stele3
Rating: R
Genre: Slash (Frank/Gerard)
Disclaimer: I don't know any of these people. This is almost definitely not happening, but it's nice to imagine.

A/N: Kinda-sorta sequel to The Year of Living Safely. Massive thanks to musical_emjay on Livejournal, who beta-read for me in my hour of need.

Knocking Around the Prickly Pear
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