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Ainsworth University [11 May 2010|01:06am]
Information | Rules & FAQ | Characters | Wanted
Application | Mods | Threads | Communications | OOC
Welcome to Ainsworth University, home to the lives, education, drama, and scandals of Perthshire's elite. At Ainsworth, legacy and lineage is the best currency; bank accounts and natural smarts manage only a close second. For most of Ainsworth’s students, everything may be diamonds, silk and champagne all year around but amidst the porcelain plates and tailor-made suits there is a downside: super successful parents expect the most and best from their offspring and when it comes to education, it’s always the top 5 ranks with Latin mottos and century-old-histories sprinkled with Ivy prestige.

Do you have what it takes to be the rich and glamorous?

LET THE GAMES BEGIN (LATE MAY) | Now Accepting Applications
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[11 May 2010|12:55pm]
a canon-compliant Deathly Hallows game set at Hogwarts
[info]7thyear [info]7thyear_ooc [info]7thyear_post

Game open since March 15.
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[11 May 2010|02:23pm]
The fifth blight was stopped by the actions of two grey wardens and their companions. It has been one year since the end of the Blight but calm does not reign in Thedas the way one might assume.

Darkspawn have not been driven entirely from the realm, though the Blight was vanquished. The dwarves of Orzammar are not at all united. The Dalish are moving south to the lands granted them by the Queen. Denerim is still being rebuilt, humans still oppose one another and the alienage elves continue to suffer at the hands of humans. This is the current state of affairs in Ferelden. Where will you stand?

Game opens with five accepted applications!
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