May 27th, 2021



Journal: Hogwarts Filter

I'm working from home and Remus changed his work day. Not that it matters since it looks like half of the people here went off for a birthday party.

If anyone needs me, you can find me in the dungeon.



RP: Lilu's Birthday

Who: Harry, Jamie, Albus, Lilu, Ron, Hermione, Roxanne, James, Lily, Scorpius, Draco
When: 27th May
Where: Chessington World of Adventures
What: Celebrating Lilu's birthday

- They apparated right outside of the parking lot. That area is all agricultural and has no cameras.
- They arrived at opening time (10am) and left at closing time (5pm)
- Because it's a weekday, they didn't find lines for most attractions and could do everything they wanted.
- Harry was amused by the many 'magic' related rides with dragons, flying brooms and even goblins.
- Harry paid for everyone's entrance