February 23rd, 2021



RP: Severus and Regulus

Who: Severus and Regulus
When: 22 February
Where: Hogwarts grounds
What: Severus' arrival

But now, the castle was... somnolent. )



Journal: Open

We have arrived on the 11th and we haven't done much of anything. It's time that we become a little more pro-active since it's obvious that more people are coming through.

1. We need to collect everything from magical buildings across the country. Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade are important, but we should make houses in mixed cities our priority because they are most likely to be discovered.

2. Let's have teams that go to Godric's Hollow, Kenmere, Wiltshire, Dorset and all the wizarding villages near the stadiums.

3. Draco, we need a list of all the manors like yours that would be in the middle of nowhere and with house-elves. Those most likely have food, supplies and house-elves. We might want to convince them to come here instead.

All of this depends on one thing. Do we think that the hex is gone now that everyone has been dead for six years? Professor Snape, maybe you can deal with that part since you're the most likely to figure magic out.

We can form teams of two to go out, but we'll also need enough people here, so a rotating system might work best. We also need to keep in mind the full for Remus. We'll also need people here to direct the house-elves has we create an inventory for what we have.