Sunday, May 25th, 2014

I Don’t Think I’m In Kansas Anymore (tag: Hel)

Anubis was in one of his moods. Some days what happened really bothered him. He knew it had all happened a very long time ago, but sometimes the sting of it was still there. He had been the ruler of the Underworld. Sure, he had been young, but he thought he had been doing a good job. All the dead were where they were suppose to be. Ammit was well taken care of, too. Everything was done right.

so why did they take it all away from him? )
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Kitten's New Home [really, really ancient Egypt] (tag: Bast, Anubis)

The trip back to Aset's temple took longer than usual, mostly because the little goddess with her was constantly distracted by anything that moved. Be it insect, fish in the Nile, or just the wind catching the reeds, her curiosity and restless nature just seemed to take over. Aset could tell she was going to have her hands full, but she also knew it was going to be worth it.

From the moment Aset had found the young Bast... )
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Friday, May 18th, 2012

Lost But Not Alone [Abdju, 3002 BCE] (tag: Anubis)

It had been ten days. Ten, whole, boring, stupid, bland days. Bast could tell that Isis was starting to get worried. She kept walking around rooms in circles when she thought nobody else was there. Even the crocodile that her adopted mother kept around to run the house seemed even more out of sorts than usual. Fatima had already snapped at Bast four times today and she'd only been awake for two hours or so. Maybe three. And if something didn't change, she was going to be stuck with an eleventh day of boring, stupid and bland nothing to do, not to mention cranky adults.

That was it. )
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