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Kitten's New Home [really, really ancient Egypt] (tag: Bast, Anubis) [11 Sep 2012|02:41pm]
The trip back to Aset's temple took longer than usual, mostly because the little goddess with her was constantly distracted by anything that moved. Be it insect, fish in the Nile, or just the wind catching the reeds, her curiosity and restless nature just seemed to take over. Aset could tell she was going to have her hands full, but she also knew it was going to be worth it.

From the moment Aset had found the young Bast... )

Introduction to Beer [12th Dynasty] (tag: Thoth) [11 Sep 2012|03:20pm]
Egypt. Was. Hot. In all his ramblings about this fantastical place, Hermes had somehow managed to not describe the heat accurately. Maybe Kratos should have picked it up from the descriptions of the clothing that the messenger said the Egyptians wore, light and filmy. Some of those worn by the women were all but see through, which made him blush some. Hermes hadn't described that accurately either, but Kray thought maybe he'd done that on purpose; gods would be flooding into Egypt to ogle if they knew about that.

Kratos decided maybe he'd keep that to himself as well. But he was telling everyone how very hot it was. What he wouldn't give for a cool skin of wine right about now. Not that he was much of a drinker. He preferred water, usually. But since he didn't know how reliable the water here was, or the location of a good spring, wine would be safer. Some of Dionysos' wine would be best, though it generally went straight to his head. Maybe he could find some local wine. )

To Sleep... To Sleep... [tag: Hypnos] [11 Sep 2012|08:08pm]
A long, long time ago. Ancient times.

Rarely was there a job Iris considered refusing, bur Hera didn't generally send her to seek an Underworlder. That was unless her employer had very specific things she needed from said Underworlder. Which, it seemed, applied this time. The Messenger didn't dislike Hypnos. She really didn't have an opinion on most Underworlders, however, she didn't like the required journey to have audience with him.

Hypnos was, to be blunt, a homebody and one that took his duties perhaps a little too seriously. She couldn't very well summon him to audience in the middle of the day in Athens, let alone Olympus. He wasn't the type to appreciate that, nor was it proper to ask him to meet her somewhere when she was asking a boon from him. No, decorum stated that she come to him.

Drat. )

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