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[Jun. 22nd, 2011|10:11 pm]
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I'm beginning to suspect that one of you are responsible for what's going on here.

You're either going to let me personally interview and test you or I'm going to take matters into my own hands.

I'd suggest going with the first option. It's healthier.
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Filtered to Chuck [Feb. 8th, 2011|10:37 am]


So there's something I haven't told you yet.

Remember how I mentioned I'm married to the you in my world? Well....I'm pregnant. And our kid just showed up here. So she's probably going to think you're her dad. I just...thought you should know.
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filtered against evil intentioned (come on, kid was raised on war, she filters) [Feb. 8th, 2011|12:05 am]

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[[Meet Rae Ellen Shurley aka the bauble baby aka from the future aka heir to the whole prophet thing if Chuck bites it aka ...college student]]

Hello, my name's Rae and I'm on the comms reporting a possible abduction of, well, me. Can anyone tell me where I am?
If someone says I've been pulled into another reality to fight in the apocalypse I swear...
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[Feb. 5th, 2011|03:37 pm]
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What the hell is going on?

[ooc: Meet vampire!Sam. He's a recently turned vampire who generally tries not to eat people, but has failed in the past and may do so again in the future. Whoops?]
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[Feb. 5th, 2011|06:36 pm]

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Is this all there is?

An empty town, horrible awful things...and us. It doesn't seem right.
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[Feb. 4th, 2011|09:18 pm]
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I'm bored.

Who wants to help change that?
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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|10:14 pm]
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This isn't funny, Dean. Kindly cease being multiple versions of yourself. One is more than enough.
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[Jan. 31st, 2011|07:01 pm]
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The hell kind of place is this, anyway? Crazy Sam, crazy me, Lucifer, demon-witches, me and Sam as chicks, just what the hell? I don't
I think it was better back h

Anyone else a little disturbed by the lack of people who aren't ...us?
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[Jan. 31st, 2011|12:18 am]
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ive fond the botle hahhahahahah
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Filtered from the Evil Intentioned [Jan. 31st, 2011|01:04 am]

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Right so, I don't know a thing about hunting bar what I saw from heaven. And by all accounts Sam and Dean aren't exactly by the book by any standards. So I'm gonna learn the basics and hope it helps. But what I can do like some kinda goddess is organize. We need to work out where we are and how we were brought here. We need to work out supplies, if there are people here, is this even earth anymore all of it.

I'd like to form teams. For this. Bear with me people it'll work. I sort of feel the need to help in some kind of sensible way, if that makes sense.
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|09:30 pm]

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Alright something's getting punched. How many me's are there and am I the only one not currently on the Lucifer yay bandwagon?

Cause I know I was a dumbass but come on?

Also evil raised by demons version of my soon to be husband. Make a move like that again and you'll be sorry.
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[Jan. 26th, 2011|12:09 am]

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[ooc: After the testinggg]

So. This place is still weird. I don't care if you're not shifters and demons and all that, it's still really weird and I don't think I like the whole you're supposed to be a dude crap. Sexist freakin' realities

[Sam Sammy Samantha]
Stupid other-reality-Sams, don't want to

Could that Leprechaun actually do this? Or are we thinking Trickster, again?
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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|09:47 pm]

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