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[Jul. 3rd, 2011|12:25 am]
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Deanna doesn't have much time left before her soul hits it's expiration date.

There's gotta be something we can do.
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[Jun. 23rd, 2011|09:45 am]

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So, time for our regular dose of crazy, eh? Good times, everybody. Let's not do that again, 'kay?


So, uh. Not really sure what the date here is, but I've been keeping track of the days. I'm down to a month and a half to go, give or take.

I'm sc This is all gonna work out, right?

You think the hounds can even get me, here?


Last night's drama notwithstanding, I'm kinda diggin' the vacation. But I think we should stay somewhere nicer. There's houses or whatever, y'know? Not like anybody else is usin' em. Plus, real kitchen. I kinda wanna try making my own pie before I di at some point. I bet I'd make awesome pie.

Sound like a plan?
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[Feb. 8th, 2011|10:59 pm]
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Who the shagging hell was moronic enough to attempt a summoning on me?

[ooc: ...sooo yes. I was enabled for the cracky cracky lulz. Meet Crowley from the Girlchesters world :) The Claudia Black PB'd Crowley :D]
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Filtered away from all Dean-shaped people. [Feb. 8th, 2011|02:41 am]
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What do you all know about breaking demon deals?
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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|10:14 pm]
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This isn't funny, Dean. Kindly cease being multiple versions of yourself. One is more than enough.
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Filtered from the Evil Intentioned [Jan. 31st, 2011|01:04 am]

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Right so, I don't know a thing about hunting bar what I saw from heaven. And by all accounts Sam and Dean aren't exactly by the book by any standards. So I'm gonna learn the basics and hope it helps. But what I can do like some kinda goddess is organize. We need to work out where we are and how we were brought here. We need to work out supplies, if there are people here, is this even earth anymore all of it.

I'd like to form teams. For this. Bear with me people it'll work. I sort of feel the need to help in some kind of sensible way, if that makes sense.
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filtered from evil intentioned [Jan. 30th, 2011|02:37 pm]

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[[Jo just woke up, covered in blood and wrapped up in a sheet, on the bed where Senior was keeping her while working on a revival. She ducked out before Senior noticed her aliveness and is now holed up somewhere and PISSED OFF.]]

I was
this can't be
of all the ways to go I never expected Sam to

If one of you made a deal hell is going to be least of your fucking worries when I find you.
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[Jan. 28th, 2011|12:46 am]

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thiius plce scks
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[Jan. 26th, 2011|12:09 am]

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[ooc: After the testinggg]

So. This place is still weird. I don't care if you're not shifters and demons and all that, it's still really weird and I don't think I like the whole you're supposed to be a dude crap. Sexist freakin' realities

[Sam Sammy Samantha]
Stupid other-reality-Sams, don't want to

Could that Leprechaun actually do this? Or are we thinking Trickster, again?
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