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[Feb. 5th, 2011|06:36 pm]

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Is this all there is?

An empty town, horrible awful things...and us. It doesn't seem right.
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Filtered from the Evil Intentioned [Jan. 31st, 2011|01:04 am]

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Right so, I don't know a thing about hunting bar what I saw from heaven. And by all accounts Sam and Dean aren't exactly by the book by any standards. So I'm gonna learn the basics and hope it helps. But what I can do like some kinda goddess is organize. We need to work out where we are and how we were brought here. We need to work out supplies, if there are people here, is this even earth anymore all of it.

I'd like to form teams. For this. Bear with me people it'll work. I sort of feel the need to help in some kind of sensible way, if that makes sense.
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[Jan. 28th, 2011|06:58 pm]
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Well. What have we here?
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