April 13th, 2008

[info]xtricks in [info]hidden_treasure

Torchwood Fic Rec 2, April

For this week, I tried to find stories that feature or were POV from characters that don't get much love.

I'm busy this week and you've already got the low down on the first post so - here they are!

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: Gen
Title: Last One Out
Author: Joon
Pairing: None
Warnings/Rating: Non-angsty character deaths.
Where to find more by this author: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/182879/Joon
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4112437/1/Last_One_Out
Why should people click? Just a beautiful story about Owen's un-life and, through his eyes, Torchwood.

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: Gen, Toshiko POV
Title: Restraint
Author: lookninjas
Pairing: none
Warnings/Rating: none
Where to find more by this author: http://ninjasnano.livejournal.com/
Link: http://ninjasnano.livejournal.com/47974.html
Why should people click? Tosh and Ianto, after Countrycide, learning the ropes.

Optional: extract )

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: Gen, Owen POV
Title: The Use of Memory
Author: pocketmouse
Pairing: None, particularly
Warnings/Rating: None
Where to find more by this author: http://pocketmouse.livejournal.com/
Link: http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=20774
Why should people click? Owen. Owen saving the team. It's a great story with vignettes that focus on each character on the team, from Owen's eyes. Jossed by recent episodes but that dosen't take away from the story at all.

And ... what inspirational posters does Torchwood have on their walls?
