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May. 19th, 2011


Today is

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Consider shopping lists and trips to Diagon Alley. Don't forget about all the homework to be done before returning to Hogwarts!

ooc: Sorry for the repost, wanted to put it in the right location :]

May. 21st, 2011


Today is

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Continue meeting and mingling.


Owl (Darwin!) to June

Hey June. I hope Darwin behaves himself. As promised there's a bag of treats for him.

May. 20th, 2011


Who: Juniper Bloom & PJ Granger
What: Tea and possibly lunch
When: 11:00 am
Where: Diagon Alley
Why: Meeting up with friends before returning to school
Warnings: None - Will update if needed
Status: In Progress

If all interactions could be done via the journals June would never stutter… )

May. 18th, 2011


Who: Kevin, Sheila, and a Ministry Official
What: Learning how to enter the Magical world
When: August 1, 2017
Where: The Leaky Cauldron

The letter had instructed them to meet with a Miss Eladsit in front of a dingy storefront on Charing Cross Road.  )

May. 17th, 2011


Today is

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hogwarts letters were been sent to all perspective students for the upcoming year prior to this date.

Apr. 6th, 2011


Posts prior to this post are a part of the old game. Anything after this post is a part of the revival.

Aug. 10th, 2008



Who: Colleen Finnegan (+ family)
What: School shopping, and possibly ice cream eating?
Where: Diagon Alley
When: Sunday afternoon

Ugh. Back to school shopping again. If there was one thing Colleen didn't like about Hogwarts it would have to be shopping for supplies. Of course, some things about it were exciting, like visiting the owls at Eyelop's Owl Emporium, or getting ice cream afterward at Florean Fortesque's. But right now, walking through Diagon Alley with her entire family running around like savages, Colleen couldn't see the fun in school shopping.

Colleen and her twin brother Liam decided to start in Madame Malkin's to pick up new robes, while her parents and two younger brothers wandered into Ollivander's for a wand for her youngest brother Kyle. As Colleen stepped up on a pedestal to be measured, she noticed a familiar looking wizard standing on the pedestal next to her's. Not wanting to be rude, she turned to her classmate.


Aug. 9th, 2008



Who: Kevin Dennahae and Open
What: Trying to figure out this Diagon Alley thing
Where: Starting at the Leaky
When: Saturday, Aug. 9, 2017

Kevin had always known there was something different about him and that there was another world out there to which he belonged. Of course, his mother had written his Hogwarts letter off as a prank. Luckily for him, school didn't start for another month so he had plenty of time to convince her. Yes, he loved futball, but to be at a school where he was certain woudn't fit in wasn't something he wanted to do day in and day out.

The letter had mentioned going to Diagon Alley to purchase his supplies. He'd remembered the name from his conversation with the girl in the dark pub. Perhaps she'd be able to help him. If not her, then he was certain that anyone in the establishment would be able to assist him.

He yelled out to his mum that he was going to the park even though he knew he was going to have to make his way into town. Grabbing the little money he had out of his room he headed to the bus stop instead. After a bit of a ride, he disembarked about a block from his target location.

Finally, he was inside the pub. Not knowing for sure what to do, he headed over toward the bar and waited to catch the attention of the woman working there.

Aug. 5th, 2008


Who: James Potter [and maybe his family?], Amelia Longbottom [and maybe her family?], and anyone else in Diagon Alley is welcome to jump in!
What: School shopping!
Where: First the Leaky Cauldron, then to Diagon Alley!
When: Tuesday Afternoon

[Unknown LJ tag]

The Potters went into the Leaky Cauldron, all very hungry and slightly irritable. James had started off the morning with a well laid prank on his younger sister, who was still very sad that she wasn't going to be joining her siblings at Hogwarts. Needless to say, the fake letter to Hogwarts, followed by her mother's reassurance that she was too young to go, pushed her over the edge.

James spotted Amelia within, and waved at her, ready to just eat and then escape his family.

Jul. 27th, 2008


Who: Nikolai Krum, Viktor Krum (NPC), OPEN
What: Outdoors with Dad
Where: Local pitch
When: July 27, 2017

"Veer going to play vat? Viktor asked, utterly perplexed.
"Football, dad."

Nikolai knew his father had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, considering he'd never tackled a Muggle sport before. This is going to be interesting. He thought to himself, smiling.

Don't get even, get mad )


Open to anyone who might be wandering Muggle areas

Who: Kevin Dennahae
What: Kicking around a futball
Where: His neighborhood park
When: Sunday, July 27, 2017

In just two weeks, Kevin would be leaving for Smeltings. He knew he had to be on top of his game and the weather was perfect today. Ball tucked under his arm, Kevin shouted to his mother that he'd be home later.

When he got down to the park he noted that no one ws around. Daniel had moved to Ireland because his father wanted him to go to his alma mater. Keith was off on vacation. David had broken his leg in a game earlier that summer. With a sigh, Kevin began to kick the ball around hoping that David would materialize.

Jul. 15th, 2008


Characters: Amarantha Nott and OPEN
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2017
Time: 3pm
Location: Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
Rating: G

Innocence never lasts forever )

Jul. 12th, 2008


Characters: Amarantha Nott, Calanthe Nott (NPC) and OPEN
Date: July 12, 2017
Time: Late afternoon
Location: Leaky Cauldron -> Muggle London

You can't make me )


Who: Kevin Dennahae
What: Kevin snags a fingernail
Where: Dennahae house
When: Saturday, July 12, 2017

Just a few days ago, Kevin had gotten his acceptance letter from Smeltings. He was headed there based solely on his ability to play futball. Of course, his mother was thrilled and wanted to send him. But, before he could go Kevin would need new clothing. At his mother's command, he'd begun to go through his bureau to see what he had that was presentable enough to take to his new school.

As he sorted through his belongings, his mind wandered to the campus visit he'd had. They all seemed so well breed and proper. He was certain he wouldn't fit in. But then, futball had always provided an escape for him. Whenever he'd felt lost, lonely, hurt, or angry he'd always been able to force through it on the field.

Lost in his thoughts, Kevin hadn't realized that his fingernail was snagging. That is, until he pulled it a sweater from the drawer that pulled the nail when he took his hand away. "Holy," he didn't finish as he pulled the finger, nail losed to the quick into his hand. Sucking on it, he pulled the it back out and took a look at the finger which was seeping a small bit of blood out from under the nail. "No wonder girls whine when they break a nail."

Jul. 9th, 2008


Who: Pandora Weasley and NPC Fred and Alicia Weasley
What: Playing Hide-and-Seek
Where: The Weasley Residence
When: July 9

Little League In '93 Taught Me How To Take Defeat )

Jul. 7th, 2008


Open! He lives in a town by London, if you're interested.

Who: James Potter
What: James is flying around.
Where: At a nearby park.
When: Sunday Evening

James and his broom. )

Jul. 3rd, 2008



Who: Kevin Dennahae, NPC Sheila Dennahae, and Amelia Longbottom
What: Kevin's wondered into someplace strange
Where: Leaky Cauldron
When: Wednesday, July 3 2017

Not wanting to be near her another moment, Kevin took off down the street and turned into a shabby looking pub. )

Jun. 29th, 2008


Dinner with the Notts

Characters: Amarantha and her parents (NPC'd)
Date: Saturday, June 28, 2017
Time: Dinner

Family means many things )

Jun. 26th, 2008


Who: Kevin Dennahae and NPC Sheila Dennahae
What: Dinner
Where Dennahae house
When: June 26, 2017

Kevin looked at the clock again. Compared to when they typically ate dinner, it was late. He'd poked through the cabinets and found nothing that didn't require preparation. Slumping down on the sofa, he flipped absently through the channels.

He hated dinner these days. Ever since his father had left, dinner had become an necessary part of life, not something to be relished. More often than not, Sheila brought something home or had a nukable meal ready and waiting. It was a rare occassion when the woman cooked. So, when she breezed through the door and headed about her own business without a word, Kevin never thought twice about it.

"Kevin dear, are you hungry?" his mother's voice floated in from the kitchen in almost a sing song tone.

Dazed and confused, Kevin stood and headed into the other room. Two plates sat on the table loaded up for a real sit down dinner. Sesame chopped steak, green beans, and fresh bread adorned each. Kevin glanced up at his mother, shocked and a bit disappointed in himself because he hadn't even noticed she'd brough groceries in with her. "It looks wonderful," he smiled.

"Thanks," she pulled out her chair and took a seat. "I thought it would be nice to sit down together for once. It seems we havn't done that in a long time."

Kevin didn't know what to say. Ever since Julian left their conversation had been forced. Not because of anything either of them did, it was simply that neither wanted to say anything that might inadvertantly upset the other any further than the divorce, which was still fresh, had. It was in these awkward moments that Kevin wished to be in a room full of people sharing a common meal along with a mix of conversation that could range from extremely meaningful to totally meaningless.

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