Aug. 5th, 2011


Who: Kevin Dennaahe and OPEN
What: Kevin becomes avenue for a cruel joke
When: Lunch, Saturday, September 9, 2017
Where: Great Hall

Now everyone's food tasted like brussel sprouts. )

Aug. 4th, 2011


Owl to: Uncle Ron

Letter )

Aug. 2nd, 2011


Note passing between Kayleigh and Pj

Charmed Origami Raven:


I talked to Hagrid about letting us  try out the potion at his house. He thinks it's a great idea.

Jul. 27th, 2011


Who:Kayleigh & PJ
What: Studying
When: Before Dinner
Where: Private Study room in the library

Kayleigh spread out her Potion notes over the table in the small study room. It was quiet and secluded from the rest of the library where the first years were buzzing about their round of exams. She was lucky to have found an empty private room. Usually these rooms were occupied by sixth or seventh years but this early in the year most of them were still procrastinating.

As she began to look over everything, she was still confused. Kayleigh liked to learn by doing but without a cauldron in front of her, she didn't understand how these ingredients mixed together. Rather than give herself a headache so early on, she began to think of PJ. She hoped that he was able to get out of his class without getting in trouble. It surprised her how happy she was to be working on this project with him. They had known each other since their first day but Kayleigh was just beginning to see how much they had in common.

Jul. 19th, 2011


Who:Kevin and OPEN
What: Lunch
When: Tuesday, September 6, 2017
Where: Great Hall

His mother had been insistant that he was always well groomed for meals and it had become something Kevin had taken pride in. )

Jul. 11th, 2011


Owl to: Mum and Dad

Dear mum and dad,

I arrived at Hogwarts a few days ago and classes have officially begun. Everything is going just fine, I'm enjoying all of them greatly and I'm very happy to be back.

The girl I told you about is fine, we're both really busy with school so we haven't been able to hang out much outside of class, but things are just fine, although I don't think you realize that we're not exactly "official" she's not my girlfriend, we just went out a few times. But I do really like her, so we'll see.

Aunt Hermione is great, she's happy to have us older kids gone for the term. She says she has better things to do than to entertain us all the time. I think you guys should pick a time to come visit her. Maybe sometime sooner than Christmas break? Maybe you could come up in a few weeks when I get a pass to Hogsmade?

Anyway, I'm off to study. I love you both very much.


Sep. 1st, 2011


Who: Pj and Open to any Ravenclaw
What: Reading/chatting
Where: Ravenclaw Common room
When: Night before classes
Status: Incomplete

Open to Any ravenclaw! )


Who: All students and Professors at Hogwarts
What: The start of a new year
When: Evening, September 1, 2017
Where: Beginning at the Platform in Hogsmeade and Ending in the Great Hall

Professor Hagrid led them as a group to the top of the stairs where they were given directions before being brought into the side of the Great Hall to listen to the Sorting Hat's song. )

Jun. 7th, 2011


Owl to james

Are you bringing anyone to the cup with us?

I invited June.


May. 31st, 2011


Owl To June

Hey June,

Long time no see.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in going to the World Cup with my family and I. I'm not sure if we're absolutely going yet, but if we are, would you wanna go?


p.s. We need to hang out again. =]

May. 23rd, 2011


Owl To James


I think I'm going mad. You remember Juniper Bloom? Well the other day I suggested we meet for tea while we were both in Diagon Alley, you know, just to be nice. She's a classmate and a house mate after all and I didn't want to spend the whole day with Aunt Hermione. You know how crazy she is.

Anyway we met for tea and it was--different. I can't explain it. It was like I just realized that she was a girl or something. The summer's been good to her, she looks fantastic and I think I'm falling for her.

You've always been the suave womanizer, so tell me what to do, mate. I'm at the end of my rope and I really want her to like me.


PS Isn't Darwin fantastic?

May. 22nd, 2011


Owl to Kevin

Hello Kevin, this is Darwin. I've attached a small bit of owl treats for him so that he would stay long enough for you to write a reply. He's not always very friendly.

I also sent you a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean. They're basically jelly beans but they really do have EVERY flavor. So watch out! I just thought you'd like some wizarding world treats since you said your mum wasn't too nice about letting you look around Diagon Alley.

-Pj Granger

Package Attached )


Another Not-Date

Who: June and Pj
What: Another Not-date
When: Thursday August 4th at 11:00am
Where: Diagon Alley
Why: Because they have crushes on each other and wanna see each other again. Gotta problem with that!?! lol
Rating: Pg (will update if change)
Status: Incomplete

It's not easy for Pj to admit that he likes someone in this way. )

May. 21st, 2011


Owl (Darwin!) to June

Hey June. I hope Darwin behaves himself. As promised there's a bag of treats for him.

May. 20th, 2011


Who: Juniper Bloom & PJ Granger
What: Tea and possibly lunch
When: 11:00 am
Where: Diagon Alley
Why: Meeting up with friends before returning to school
Warnings: None - Will update if needed
Status: In Progress

If all interactions could be done via the journals June would never stutter… )