7th Oct, 2010


[FanFic] You, Me, and Italy

Title You, Me, and Italy
Genre Humor/Romance
Author [info]germanmade or [info]vodkaflowers
Characters Germany, Veneziano, Romano, brief cameos by Spain and Russia
Pairings GerIta, SpuMano
Rating Teen
Warnings Romano's mouth and sexual references
Summary Germany and Italy get married, the only problem is Romano moves in with them, causing hell, whining about Spain, and being mean to Germany.

A/N I wrote this a long time ago and my writing has vastly improved since then. :3 Most

29th Jun, 2009


Special Relationship [50sentences on America/England]

Title: Special Relationship
Author/Artist: Sakru909
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America/England
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual situations and reference to violence/blood.
Summary: Fifty sentences on the love between America and England.

Special Relationship )