19th Jan, 2009


Welcome to Hetalia!

This is a community for the popular web comic Axis Powers Hetalia by Himaruya Hidekazu. Since I couldn't find a Hetalia community here on IJ I decided to make one, to give Hetalia fans a home on IJ, too.

At the moment we are not affiliated with any of the Hetalia communities on other blogging sites.

Discussion, fan fiction, fan art, icons & graphics, news or announcements are all welcome here as long as they are related to Hetalia.

Please remain civil to your fellow community members at all times, and if posting anything that could be considered adult in nature (R - NC-17 fics/art) or media sharing (as in scanlations) make sure you friends lock your post.

Please remember to label your posts clearly if they contain fiction, art or any adult/slash/pairing-specific material.

Feel free to join and start posting about Hetalia. You're welcome to post your older works here, too.