
I saw something weird today in a shop. Those big TV things and, they call.. games? Seems you can pretend to be other people in them, in a whole new world, do things. Like jump into other people's cars or shoot that muggle weapon that's worse than a wand guns at others in public. And not just a gun. Shoulder cannons with rockets. Hey, James, Alby? You should try one.

But you know what would have been better in this place? What would be really awesome? I think you already know. Quidditch! Oh, yes. That would be so brill and awesome if we could play it again. Siriusly.. it'd be fun. Would be a hell of a lot of work to even get it set up, though.


As much as I love being dropped in random places against my will, would someone be so kind to tell me where the bloody hell am I? I don't think I am in France anymore.

Any of my family here? Mum? Daddy? Vic? Anyone?



[Al and Scorpy]
So there's this bloke inviting everyone to dinner that's stranded here.

Er, I told him I'd go, and I was bringing you lot.


Perhaps it is time for all the refugees to properly meet over dinner and drinks.


Phillip! No-

I have to go back. Now. He was supposed to be safe. He was supposed to be safe...


Bloody hell, what is this shite? I don't belong in America. I just got done with school and won the Cup.. supposed to be dinner time with family to celebrate.

Seriously? Siriusly, get me the hell out of here. I had plans. Important, fate of the world plans. Big stuff. Like.. umm, eating up some good pie.


I'm seeing a distinct lack of beaches and blue agave...I never bought into that paradise crap, not really, but I figured I'd catch a break after the bullshit that went down.

The joke isn't going to be on this Gecko. If someone wants to point me to the closest source of tequila, I'll get to problem solving.


What the bloody hell is this place?

Dad? Father? James? Lily?


O...kay. This isn't Hogwarts. This doesn't even look like Hogsmeade!

Dads? Albus?Lily?

Uh,anyone mind telling me where the bloody hell I am?


Hello? Um, someone mind telling me where I am?


Well, Dorthy, I'm pretty sure we are not in Kansas anymore...


Um... This is not England, or am I at Hogwarts. I know I am supposed to be at Healer training, but wherever here is was not on the list. Someone kindly tell me where I am.

The voices.. So many voices and I can't shut them out. They are too loud, and too intense. I wish there was a way to shut them off...