
I want to say I'm mad, but I'm not. Anything for a vacation and a change of scenery for a bit. If I'm here longer than a week though, you should all get worried.

Very worried.

Now - where is my family?



Deucalion invited us to dinner. I'd really like to come, but if you don't want to I'll understand. I was thinking of making baked apples for dessert.


Perhaps it is time for all the refugees to properly meet over dinner and drinks.


Does anyone know of any places that are hiring around town?

Did you show up here with any cash?

You remember how you were telling me how much money you have on hand?


O...kay. This isn't Hogwarts. This doesn't even look like Hogsmeade!

Dads? Albus?Lily?

Uh,anyone mind telling me where the bloody hell I am?


Well, Dorthy, I'm pretty sure we are not in Kansas anymore...


This isn't France.



Okay so, where am I?


This...isn't home. Or if it is home, it sure as hell got a lot nicer than what it was.


Okay, so what the hell just happened?