October 20th, 2013


[No Subject]

We hope you all enjoyed our gift. Some of you did very well. And some of you were very very bad.

You'll be hearing from us again.

- The Senior Partners.



[No Subject]

How do we find these Senior Partners?



[No Subject]

Well, glad that's over. Not looking forward to whatever is next.



[No Subject]

So everything is back to normal now? Or as normal as it gets here.



[No Subject]

I'm not sure whether to be relieved that it's over, or worried about what is coming next.



[No Subject]

Allison? Derek? Are you guys okay?

Is everyone okay? That was...



[No Subject]

No more witches. Thank God. And everything else too...



[No Subject]

It may be over, but we're not out of the woods yet. We're still stuck here. It's still dangerous. And keep in mind, they can decide to mess with us again, any time they want.