Posts Tagged: 'tessa'

Sep. 22nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Fuck me. This is god damn bull shit.

Fine. I'm Lindsey. One of the people I talked to seems to think I'm responsible for bringing you here. I'm not.

For whatever reason, the Senior Partners brought you here,, to my little corner of the world. They banished me here a couple months back. There was no one here but me for a long time. I don't know why, or how, they brought you all here, but here you are.

There's no way out. believe me, I have tried. I've had months to scour every inch of this place, and there's no fucking way out. So be grateful for the apartment, the warm bed and the smart phone they gave you.

Let me say this one more time: I did not bring you here. I do not know why you are here. I do not know how you got here. There is no way to leave this place. This is my hell, but it's not my doing.

Any questions? Ask my assistant who doesn't actually exist.

[No Subject]

This is... inconvenient.