October 17th, 2008

[info]_demeter in [info]greekswim

Voice mail for Anne

It had been over a week, nearly two when she finally got up the courage to make the call, though the blonde woman wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed to get voicemail.

"Hi, Anne. It's Chloe; we bumped into each other shopping a little over a week ago. It's about 9:30 on Friday morning and I was wondering if you were available to talk anytime this weekend. I know of a rather delightful restaurant called 'Spondi' that I've been meaning to try and would love getting a second opinion on if you're game. Just give me a buzz back at this number if you are and I can set a reservation for whenever. If not, I hope we can arrange something else because I'd really like to talk now that my head's stopped spinning. Anyway, gotta run. My assistant's trying to get my attention by flailing his arms as only a gay man on the verge of a breakdown can which usually means I'm running late for something. Talk to you later, I hope. Thanks. Bye."