
*adjusts dork hat* @ 02:37 pm

I know there are *real* artists at work here, so I'll just whisper and then I'll tiptoe out to leave you to it.

I, like 9,371 other QaF fans, would love to attempt icons. I've seen the acronym GIMP bandied about, so I Googled it and saw that it was primarily for Windows users. There was a version available for Mac, so I thought that might be the way to go. BUT...I thought I'd make sure. If you have a Mac, what do you use to make your icons? Is GIMP the way to go?

Blue light tutorial @ 10:24 pm

Current Mood: tired

This is in response to [info]michira_70's post over here requesting help in lightening/cleaning up dark blue caps. This is one example of some methods I use. These exact settings won't necessarily work for every dark blue cap but will hopefully provide a starting point. Always remember to play around with the opacity of your layers and try different colors as well.

Here we go! )
