Glorafilia says, she says

it's just another Sunday afternoon


February 27th, 2014



Nicole Muñoz as Christie McCawley Tarr (2013)

[163] Defiance season 1 caps

Nineteen, Spanish and Quebecois, spends most of her time on this show smiling and being adorable but could be useful if you need someone who gets sick (she's really shiny around 116-126 because she's feverish) or has a teen wedding. [info]24601 has a bunch of icons from her other work.


Since Mom died, Christie's been the only one holding this family together. )



Justin Rain as Quentin McCawley (2013)

[97] Defiance season 1 caps

Plains Cree, honestly not sure how old he is. Not someone to use if you need him to crack a smile more than once in a blue moon, he's mostly just an angst bucket.


I never cared about not being the favourite, or the second favourite, or the least favourite. )