Glorafilia says, she says

it's just another Sunday afternoon



  • Please credit so that other people can find them.
  • Small edits such as rotation or feature recoloring are fine, but please credit the originals.
  • Do not repost or add to icon hunts; just link the posts.
  • Posts Tagged: 'm:+white:+brown:+30s'

    Dec. 29th, 2013



    Lucas Bryant as Nathan Wuornos (2013)

    [19] Haven 04x01 caps

    He was thirty-four filming this season, and this icon set is brought to you by vague thoughts of playing him from between seasons. It is baby icon set night here on Glorafilia, though I guess they're not really babies considering I come from a site with a fifteen icon limit. He is also bearded in Perfect Plan, which has been iconed by [info]whoat.


    Cheaper than a shrink. Alright, who's next? )