Glorafilia says, she says

it's just another Sunday afternoon


January 22nd, 2014



Laura Vandervoort as Arla Cogan (2012) and Elena Michaels (2014)

[135] Haven 03x12 and 13 stills and caps
[20] Bitten 01x02 stills and trailer caps
[155] total

Twenty-seven on Haven, twenty-nine on Bitten.There's actually only two scenes from Haven 03x13 because I kind of got fed up with the shadows (they were outside and someone couldn't have held up some reflector boards?) and also didn't want to icon stitched together!Arla. I keep swearing off Syfy lighting, but I suddenly decided she'd make a good present day Gabrielle Delacour and wanted stuff where she's older than Smallville.


Hush. )