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[31 Jan 2011|02:21am]
Who: Jacob and Lexie
When: Very early Monday morning

Left on Jacob's Desk )
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[31 Jan 2011|03:10am]
Who: Lulu, Jacob, Emma
What: Text
When: Just after this

Text to Jacob and Emma )
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[31 Jan 2011|08:20am]
Who: AJ and Mallorie Swafford
What: Text Message
When: Monday Morning after this
Rating: PG-13

You have (2) unread messages )
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[31 Jan 2011|08:37am]
Who: Calvin and Katie (<-- it has been a long time since I typed that :()
What: Text
When: Today sometime

(1) Ben's-optimism-is-apparently-wearing-off-on-me text )
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[31 Jan 2011|08:42am]
Who: AJ and Arthur ANONYMOUS
What: An anonymous donation to this
When: Early this morning

Let's make this interesting, shall we? )
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a little bird told me... [31 Jan 2011|10:49am]
Good morning, early birds. Who's ready for a wake up call?

Snow much lately? The gods of weather must not be too happy with our tiny island as of late. And who could blame them? Let's hope February, the month of love, brings us better luck. Have fun at the dance, birdies. Songbird is going to be all over that.

It's been way overdue for a blast, but the elder Allen twin has been having a roller coaster ride of a month. Getting beat up physically by a bully and then verbally by his sister? Not something that can be easily forgotten. I'm sure his new girlfriend, Annie Tibbits, is helping in that respect. Did we know the reason Josie Posie blew up was because of her dislike (or loathing rather) for one Annie Tibbits? Now now, girls, there's plenty of Jacen to go around. No need to take out the claws.

So where is our scientific genius now, you may ask? We hear he's staying with Ben Bailey and the fam. No lie. The verbal whiplash was so much that J had to run away. Funny who does the running these days, Josie.

And speaking of great moves, that spare room in la casa de Bast in now ocupado. That's right, our very own Mallory Swafford has taken up the offer to split rent with dear ole Bastian. Let's just hope the situation doesn't get too sticky, or there might be some sleepless nights in the near future.

In other, rather happy news actually, we hear our Jacen did not actually get a rejection letter from the esteemed Harvard School. Instead, he was deferred to regular admission. Huh. Throwing us for a loop there, are we? We are happy for you though.

And now that we're back on the subject of Jacen, some interesting theories are popping up. We hear that Josie's top choice for the best girlfriend for Jacen is actually... yep... you guessed it. Emily Elwood. So does this mean Josie ships Jacimily? That doesn't even sound right! Surely, this is one ship, Josie, that will never leave the port due to ♪ stormy weather ♪.

While we're on the subject of Emily, we hear that little E actually tried to pull an American Idol with Frye Island's very own DJ, Johnny Jones. You should seen this coming, E, Johnny's bark is worse than his bite. But maybe you were just deceived by his charming smile. Lesson learned. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Moving right along, it seems that our Rory Spinelli likes playing Cupid. He sure does know how to make the ladies feel good with original poetry.

More congratulations are in order for some of Frye Island's couples. Most notably, Ben Bailey and Charlie Parker. And riding the divirginized train would be our version of Michael Jackson, Mao! We have reason to believe there was a lot of howling going on.

Plus, dates for the Valentine's Day Dance are being made. But that's a story to be covered soon.

And finally, when the cat's away, the mice come out and play. We miss you, Arthur Bacchus. *snort* Not.

And that's all the grub I have for you today.

Until next time... keep on singing.

P.S. Not a single mention of Lexie. You're welcome. ;)
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[31 Jan 2011|11:45am]
Who: Katie and Gid
What: text
When: sent during/after this

(1) Katie-just-took-two-steps-back text )
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[31 Jan 2011|12:28pm]
Who: Emma and Nick
What: text
When: today

Inbox (1) )
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[31 Jan 2011|12:34pm]
WHO: Gideon and Calvin
WHAT: Text
WHEN: After this.

(1) uncharacteristically-defensive text )
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[31 Jan 2011|03:55pm]
WHO: Jude and Christine
WHAT: Jude being the annoying, yet loving sibling he is
WHERE: Christine's house
WHEN: After this

“Christine.” One knock on the door. “Christine.” Another. “Christine.” And another. )
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[31 Jan 2011|07:37pm]
Who; Maya and Felix
What; She's trying on her dress and he's being a big brother
Where; Her room, the Ruskin house
When; Monday, after she gets home from work
Rating; P for Protective?

She still hadn't decided if she was going to the dance )
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[31 Jan 2011|07:39pm]
WHO: Amelia and Sasha
WHAT: Fortune cookie text
WHEN: After having Chinese for dinner

(1) unread message )

WHO: Amelia and Gio
WHAT: Fortune cookie text
WHEN: After having Chinese for dinner

(1) unread message )
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[31 Jan 2011|10:47pm]
WHO: Nick and Sarah
WHAT: McDermott shopping time! And just generally being epic siblings.
WHERE: Around town.
WHEN: January 31st, afternoon.
RATING: The McDermott’s have mouths on them. PG-13 for language?
STATUS: Incomplete

Sometimes, this island was like a drama sundae, with whipped cream made of twenty-something angst, sprinkled in passive aggressiveness and topped with a Songbird cherry. )
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