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[01 Feb 2011|12:03am]
WHO: Gid and Katie (and Ori!)
WHAT: Just hanging out! Also Katie is showing Gid her dress.
WHERE: Gid and Ori’s!
WHEN: January 31st, afternoon.
STATUS: Incomplete

Gideon was fully aware that it would be a battle of one step forward and two steps back for awhile. )
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[01 Feb 2011|08:37pm]
Who: Lexie and Eisen
What: Ridiculous cuteness, as per usual
When: Today, afternoon

(1) unread text )
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[01 Feb 2011|08:47pm]
WHO: Glory and Gio
WHAT: Carter has made Gio think more seriously about the V-Day dance, so Gio does some follow-up.
WHEN: Saturday, January 29 (backdated)

Inbox (2) )
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[01 Feb 2011|09:25pm]
WHO: Ed and Mal
WHAT: He needs to know what color her dress is!
WHEN: Sometime around right now?

Inbox (1) )
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[01 Feb 2011|10:57pm]
a wooing gift to Ben, left on his stoop. )
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[01 Feb 2011|11:57pm]
Who: Lulu and Jacob
What: Talking about the tons of drama. And also drinking. Because drinking and drama go hand in hand, obviously.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: A bit at the Tibbits' residence and then probably Pearson's
Rating: PG-13 for swearing?
Status: Incomplete

One thing was certain: Jakey needed a drink. Or, likely, LOTS of drinks )
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