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[15 Jun 2010|12:05am]
[ mood | curious ]

Who: Alec and Lily
What: Text
When: Monday 7th June
Rating: Low

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[15 Jun 2010|12:22am]
[ mood | bored ]

Who: Eleanor and James
What: Text
When: Monday 7th June, evening
Rating: Low

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[15 Jun 2010|12:35pm]
Who: Glory and Alfie
Where: The football field behind the school
When: Backdated to May 30
What: Launching a science project!
Rating: PG probably

the long fall back to earth is the hardest part )
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[15 Jun 2010|01:05pm]
Who: Laura and Macy
When: Monday night, May 31st
Where: The park
What: Revealing a secret
Rating: PG/PG-13
Status: Incomplete

close your eyes and meet me in the sunshine )
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[15 Jun 2010|08:35pm]
Who: Natalie and Casey
What: The latest update!
When: Tonight!

You have (1) New Message )
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[15 Jun 2010|08:39pm]
Who: Evan and Natalie
What: text
When: tonight? (whatever the date is in game x_X)

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[15 Jun 2010|09:36pm]
Who: Mao and Luke.
What: Mao is fed up with waiting for Luke to get over himself.
Where: Elmwood Rocks.
When: Friday night. (Posted early!)
Rating: Strong language. F-bombs ahoy!

This wasn't the fucking 50s, and he wasn't a fucking girl. )
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[15 Jun 2010|11:10pm]
[ mood | weird ]

Who: Sam and Jamie
What: Olive branch
Where: Jamie's house
When: Late evening
Rating: TBD- PG-13?

As promised the window was open. )

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