The Story So Far - July 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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July 17th, 2008

[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:45 pm]
Who: Eiko Logan, Phil McCoy & Pete McCoy
Where: Medlabs!
When: Monday, yup.
What: Eiko's a mutant! And she turns Pete fuzzy and blue and teethy! Phil thinks it cool! So does Pete. Eiko, however, isn't so happy about the whole thing.

He might be a little more threatening. Or... kind of cute. It all depends on how you take fuzzy. )
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|10:00 pm]


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Who: Anyone and Everyone
What: Hockey
Where: Roof of the Xavier building
When: forward dated to Friday afternoon

Perhaps roof hockey and beer wasn't the best idea ever, but oh well. )
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