The Story So Far - July 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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July 6th, 2008

Log: Tuesday, Jack, Richard, and Duckie [Jul. 6th, 2008|01:57 am]
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Who; Tuesday and Jack, and then Richard, and then Richard leaves and Duckie comes in
When; BACKDATED to July 4th
Where; Outside somewhere, and the at the medlab
What; Tuesday and Jack start the log off comparing powers. Then Richard shows up, bitches with Jack, and then Jack shoves him and Richard hits Tuesday with a quarter instead of Jack to make some kind of point and be all 'oooh look what you made happen to your friend, you loser' or something. Anyway, Jack and Tuesday go to the medlab and get Duckie to fix Tuesday.

...Is that the Kentucky state quarter? )
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Thread: Jack & Heath [Jul. 6th, 2008|11:00 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Heath Cameron
When: Sunday evening, June 6
Where: Heath's room
What: So, apparently Heath needs some advice on how to deal with a gay brother. Jack doesn't have a gay brother, but he supposes he might know a little something about the subject.

Ta da! )
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