The Story So Far - July 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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July 7th, 2008

log: Janis and Dave [Jul. 7th, 2008|12:51 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones and David Samson
What: Janis is doing some laundry after the Canada Thing. Janis is all "Hey, let's talk about our situation!" And Dave is all "OK!" And then the Hulk is all "I HAVE A BETTER IDEA." Who wins? (Hint: No one really wins, but Dave ends up laying on the laundry room floor all by himself at the end of the log).
When: Thursday the 3rd, I believe?
Where: Laundry room.

You.... you could.... you can go back to ... yelling at me now... )
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Log: Terry and Phil [Jul. 7th, 2008|11:35 pm]
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Who; Terry Ellsworth and Phil McCoy
When; BACKDATED to June 17th, morning
Where; The hallway between their rooms
What; Terry had some fucked up dreams the night before about Phil's mom and flips out.

I'm not actually schizo, dickface. )
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