The Story So Far - June 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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June 3rd, 2008

Log: Jack, David, & Hank [Jun. 3rd, 2008|10:34 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock, David Samson, and Hank McCoy
When: Backdated to Sunday, June 1
Where: David's room and the hallway around it
What: David has chipped a tooth and his fear of dentists is overwhelming. You know. Causes anxiety. He's trying to stay calm with meditation and with Jack's help, but when Jack goes to get Dr. McCoy instead of a dentist, the Hulk makes a terrifying appearance. This is a long log with several scene changes, but I highly recommend reading it for the sheer awesomeness that is the Hulk. Holy snot.

Just... promise me you'll stay calm? )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2008|10:41 pm]


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Who: Heath Cameron and Sarah Wisdom
When: backdated to Memorial Day Weekend
Where: Australia! No really, Heath and Sarah bail on the whole team sport thing, to go visit Heath's parents.
What: A trip to Australia people. Talk of kangaroos, Marz the dragon, and they go to a boardwalk with those kind of board walk games ... You know. It's official. I can not summarize to save my life. NPC's in this are Davis and Marie-Ange!

But you better watch out for Dingos - babynapping is on the rise I hear. )
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