The Story So Far - June 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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June 4th, 2008

Log: Richard and Phil [Jun. 4th, 2008|01:12 am]
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Who; Richard and Phil
When; June 3rd, afternoon
Where; outside
What; Chess! Phil is paranoid and Richard is friendly.

I hear he's off his rocker, too. )
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log: Jack and Joan. [Jun. 4th, 2008|04:12 pm]


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Who: Jack Murdock and Joan Allerdyce.
What: Their boyfriends had time together, clearly they should hang out, right? Actually, Joan just wants to fuck with Jack's head for brownie points. She really would like to be named Evil Sidekick of the year.
When: Mid-afternoon, today.
Where: In the gym.

Ha. There. Finally. Mention of Matt 'I'm a Ghoooost, woooo' Murdock. )
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Log: Richard, Jack, and Phil [Jun. 4th, 2008|10:55 pm]
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Who; Richard Fisk, Jack Murdock, and Phil McCoy
When; June 4th, evening
Where; Richard's room
What; Jack's pissed about what Richard says, so he makes Richard say it to his face. And then they have a smackdown that Phil has to save Jack from. If any of your characters share a wall with Richard, they probably heard something.
WARNING; Violence and crazy. Richard fucking snaps, people.

You're just like your fucking father. You won't be able to protect anyone. Not Peter, not Ben, not your fucking boyfriend, and not that stupid girl. They'll all die someday because you failed. Just. Like. Daddy. )
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