The Story So Far - May 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 30th, 2008

Log: Terry Ellsworth and Jack Murdock [May. 30th, 2008|01:23 am]
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Who; Terry and Jack (and Matt, if you ask Terry)
When; May 29th, late at night
Where; Terry's room
What; Terry's all "Richard killed yo' daddy!" and Jack's like "whut?"

Your dad. Richard Fisk. Hitman. )
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challenge thread - Magnar + Evelyn = baked goods and saran wrap! [May. 30th, 2008|09:39 am]
Who: The vivacious Evelyn Richards and the suspicious Magnar Maximoff!
When: Friday!
Where: The kitchen!
What: Challenge! Saran wrap and baked goods!

Cookies don't taste like chicken )
[open to Evelyn!]
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Jimmy and Max [May. 30th, 2008|09:52 am]
Who: Jimmy Langowski and Max Guthrie
When: now
Where: The bathroom
What: A CHALLENGE?!? The bathroom and a plunger!

Uh Oh! )

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Log: Phil & Jack [May. 30th, 2008|10:01 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Phil McCoy
When: Backdated to last night, May 29
Where: Jack's room
What: Apparently, Richard killed Matt Murdock. Or ordered a hit on him, anyway. So Jack's a little distraught. He doesn't really cry like a girl into Phil's shoulder but I wanted an excuse to use this icon.

Oh, my God, he's Hamlet. )
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Thread: Wes, Ryan, Rosie [May. 30th, 2008|05:51 pm]
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Who: Wes, Ryan and Rosie
What: Rosie wants to go to Greece; the twins cast a spell for her.
When: Friday
Where: The twins room, where few DARE! but their spell stuff is there, so they have to be there. Beware of cats.

S..S..S..Spell time )
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Thread: Richard Fisk and Jack Murdock [May. 30th, 2008|05:57 pm]
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Who; Jack Murdock II and Richard Fisk II
When; May 30th, evening
Where; Somewhere outside
What; Terry told Jack that Richard put out a hit on Matt. Matt is dead, so this is a Big Deal. Phil made Jack promise not to go near Richard, but they all live under the same roof. Oops.

At the moment, he's just waiting for his goddamn dog to hurry up and take a piss already. )
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Log: Benjy and Elisa [May. 30th, 2008|10:09 pm]
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Who; Ben Parker and Elisa D'Ancanto
When; Um, massively backdated. Sometime around, like ... the 15th of May.
Where; Rec Room
What; The mostly-mute kid and the partially-deaf kid meet up, bond, and talk about how cooties are nasty.

You're not, like, ugly or anything. )
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log: Hank, May, Normie [May. 30th, 2008|10:39 pm]
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who: Hank (NPC!), May, and Normie.
what: May has ~spider~ DNA and it's making it hard to tell if she Is or Isn't.
when: Friday afternoon

Dear God. Already calling it The Baby. That's so sick. )
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LOG: Max & Jay [May. 30th, 2008|11:15 pm]
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who: Max and Jay
what: Max shows Jay the gooooods. The caffeine goods.
where: Max's bedroom.
when: backdated to around the 20th, I think.

I don't straight up fall where I stand, but I get really tired. Like I got the narcolepsy. Or is it necromancy? )
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