The Story So Far - May 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 4th, 2008

Ink & Eiko [May. 4th, 2008|12:46 am]

Who: Heath Cameron & Eiko Logan
When: May 4rd, morning
Where: The library
What: The sun is too bright for a hungover Heath so he finds the darkest place in the school - the library

Too bright )
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Log: Jack & Pete [May. 4th, 2008|03:49 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Pete McCoy
When: Backdated to Thursday evening, May 1
Where: The computer lab!
What: Jack is Phil's boyfriend, and feels he ought to get to know Phil's clone brother. It's awkward beyond awkward.

I had information electrically written to my brain during my incubation periods. )
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[May. 4th, 2008|09:16 am]
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Brothers & Sisters
WHO: Eiko Logan and Charlie Cooper
WHERE: Academy medlabs
WHEN: After Logan tells him to go meet his new sister
WHAT: Siblings meet! Make assumptions and start a beautiful - however dilusional - kinship!

Oh that silly furry father! )
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Log: Rosie & Jay's mom. [May. 4th, 2008|04:14 pm]
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Who: Molly Hayes (NPC) and Rosie
What: They ... talk. Jay DID say he wanted Rosie to meet his mom. He figured they'd get along or something!
When: Backdated to during this!

Did you have enough toilet paper? )
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